Examples of Commune Council in a sentence
The implementation of the IPDP will be carried out by the community, assisted by appropriate staff from PDPWTs and Commune Council, facilitated by an NGO, where available and appropriate.
The SLC proposal is initiated by the Commune Council after a meeting with the citizens of the commune.
Each year, the Commune Council will disseminate a report on the status of program implementation.
Districts are sub-divided into Communes administered by a directly elected Commune Council which is recognised as the lowest level of formal sub-national administration.
The Commune Council, with support from the project, conducts an information campaign which has the dual purpose of (1) ensuring that potentially eligible land recipients are aware of the process; and (2) that existing land owners and users are aware of the SLC proposal and how they may be affected.
The Commune Council prepares a simple sketch map and land use profile at this stage.
This was the third time that an EOM was established to observe an Election in Cambodia, after the observation of the National Assembly Elections 1998 and Commune Council Elections 2002 Mr. Robert Evans (UK), a Member of the European Parliament and of the EP Delegation for Relations with the countries of South Asia and South Asia Association for Regional Co-operation was appointed as Chief Observer for the European Union Election Observation Mission.
The Commune Council (CC) has primary responsibility for the proposal, development and implementation of SLCs, CLUPs, ICLTs, and ICs. The selected beneficiaries of the SLC are encouraged to form a Target Land Beneficiaries Community for the purpose of monitoring implementation of the SLC and representing the interests of the beneficiaries to the Commune Council.
This was an improvement over previous efforts (such as a leaflet on the secrecy of the vote issued days before the 2002 Commune Council elections) when some material consisted mostly of text and therefore failed to reach a significant segment of the population.
Information should be presented in a language and medium accessible to those potentially involved or affected.Grievance Procedures Each Commune Council will have an opportunity to comment on annual commune reviews of project implementation performance.