Communications space definition

Communications space means the usable space on a pole below the communications workers safety zone and above the vertical space for meeting ground clearance requirements under the National Electrical Safety Code.
Communications space means the lower usable space on a utility pole, which is typically reserved for low-voltage communications equipment.
Communications space means the lower usable space on a utility pole, which is

Examples of Communications space in a sentence

  • All Communications cables/wires not owned by Utility shall be attached within the Communications space that is located 40 inches below the lowest Utility conductors.

  • All Communications cables/wires not owned by the Utility shall be attached within the Communications space as defined in Section 235 of the NESC.

  • An additional space of approximately 14.5 m width and8 m length will also be available for the main mill facilities on the south- eastern side of the existing auto grinding shop.

  • Healthcare delivered another steady quarter. The overall performance was aided by key wins in OTT video, broadband technology and digital transformation in the Media & Communications space, regulatory compliance and new product development in the Healthcare vertical, connected car and infotainment programs in the automotive segment.

  • This three-part model of parliament consisting of landowners (Lords), elected common people (commons) and the monarch is the same system that we have today.

More Definitions of Communications space

Communications space means a vertical space on the pole, usually 600 mm in length, within which Telecommunications Attachments are made.
Communications space means the portion of a Utility Pole’s usable space designated for the installation of Communications Facilities, the top of which is forty (40) inches below NBU’s Neutral or lowest electrical supply conductor.
Communications space means the space on a pole designated for horizontal wireline communications attachments under the NESC and other applicable codes.
Communications space means the usable space on a pole below
Communications space means the space on a Pole below the communications worker safety zone, as defined in the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), where communications cables or wires may be attached and span from a Pole to an adjacent Pole or nearby structure while observing NESC-defined clearances from the ground.
Communications space means the space on the pole immediately below the Power Space extending to the lower of the existing lowest horizontal cable attachment, as specified by the National Electrical Safety Code, or reserved space, if applicable.
Communications space. , means the portion on a joint-use utility pole that begins at