Community of Practice definition
Community of Practice means a designated category of common interest within the parks and recreation field, vocational or otherwise, in which Members express an interest and which has been so designated by the Board of Directors pursuant to Article VI;
Community of Practice. ’ means a group of pilots that agrees to interact regularly to solve a persistent problem or improve practice in an area that is important to them and the success of their projects. Establishment of communities of practice under P3 will enable pilots to meet, discuss, and collaborate with each other regarding grantee projects.
Community of Practice. (“CoP”) means a group of people who share a common concern, a set of problems, goals, or an interest in a topic, and who come together to fulfill both individual and group goals.
Examples of Community of Practice in a sentence
Projects that include partnering with eXtension must include financial support for the Community of Practice core functions as well as project-specific activities.
Solid organ transplantation in the HIV-infected patient: Guidelines from the American Society of Transplantation Infectious Diseases Community of Practice.
Projects that include partnering with eXtension must include financial support for the Community of Practice core functions as well as project- specific activities.
Many agencies actively participate in FSSI through the Community of Practice (COP) and through Commodity Councils that provide user input to various FSSI procurement activities.
Medicine as a Community of Practice: Implications for Medical Education.
More Definitions of Community of Practice
Community of Practice means a group of health practitioners who share a common interest or expertise, within a specified field of practice regardless of the differences in the scope of practice;
Community of Practice. ’ means a group of entities
Community of Practice means a group of en- tities that interact regularly to share best practices to address 1 or more persistent problems, or improve practice with respect to such problems, in 1 or more neighbor- hoods.
Community of Practice or “CoP” refers to a group of stakeholders including those responsible for regional social policies in charge of implementing the National Program to fight poverty at the National, Regional, and Ambiti level who engage in a process of collective learning within the domain of the National Program’s implementation.
Community of Practice means the broad group of asset management stakeholders that support the Partnership through focused learning, educating, sharing and collaboration of asset management best practices. Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) - Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) include, but are not limited to, any proprietary rights, created by statute or common law, in or relating to trademarks (registered or unregistered), tradenames, goodwill in trademarks or tradenames and the rights to sue for passing off or unfair competition, service marks, domain names, rights in get-up and trade dress, copyrights, moral rights, designs (whether registered or not), inventions (whether or not patented), trade secrets, and confidential information, including processes, methods, software, data, know-how, show-how, ideas, techniques, marketing plans, strategies, forecasts, and customer lists. Partnership - The Partnership means the partnership formed by the Partners pursuant to the Agreement.
Community of Practice. ’ means a group of people who work together to solve a persistent problem or to improve practice in an area that is important to them and who deepen their knowledge and expertise by interacting on an ongoing basis. Communities of practice exist in many forms, some large in scale that deal with complex problems, others small in scale that focus on a problem
Community of Practice means a group of people who work together to solve a persistent problem or to improve practice in