Unsafe or unsound practice definition
Examples of Unsafe or unsound practice in a sentence
The NCUA Board has determined, after providing the credit union with notice and opportunity for hearing pursuant to § 747.2003 of this chapter, that the credit union is in an unsafe or un- sound condition; or(2) Unsafe or unsound practice.
TheOCC has determined, after notice and opportunity for hearing pursuant to subpart M of part 19 of this chapter with respect to national banks and § 165.8 with respect to Federal savings associations, that the national bank or Federal savings association is in unsafe or unsound condition; or(2) Unsafe or unsound practice.
The institution will provide guidance and agreed upon levels of support to achieve accessibility requirements.3 2 Mays, E.
Th e OCC ha s de t e r m i n ed, af t e r n o t ice an d oppo r t un i t y fo r h e ar i n g p ur s uan t t o s u bp ar t M of p ar t 19 of t h is c ha p t e r , t ha t t h e b an k is i n un s afe o r un so un d co n di t io n; o r(2) Unsafe or unsound practice.
As a co n di t io n of fede ra l deposi t i n s uran ce, a ll i n s ur ed deposi-t o ry i n s t i t u t io n s m u s t r e m a i n i n a s afe an d so un d co n di t io n .( b) Unsafe or unsound practice .