Community revitalization incentive definition

Community revitalization incentive means a community

Related to Community revitalization incentive

  • Community mental health program means all mental health

  • Community rate means the average rate charged for the same or similar coverage to all primary

  • Community Developmental Disability Program (CDDP means an entity that is responsible for planning and delivery of services for individuals with developmental disabilities in a specific geographic service area of the state operated by or under a contract with the Division or a local mental health authority.

  • Community rehabilitation program means a program that provides directly or facilitates the provision of one or more of the following vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities to enable those individuals to maximize their opportunities for employment, including career advancement:

  • Community mental health center or "CMHC" means a facility offering a comprehensive array of community-based mental health services, including but not limited to, inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization, emergency care, consultation and education; and, certain services at the option of the center, including, but not limited to, prescreening, rehabilitation services, pre-care and aftercare, training programs, and research and evaluation.

  • Adjusted community rate means the rating method used to

  • housing benefit means housing benefit under Part 7 of the SSCBA;

  • Nursing Care Plan means a plan of care developed by a nurse that describes the medical, nursing, psychosocial, and other needs of a child and how those needs shall be met. The Nursing Care Plan includes which tasks shall be taught, assigned, or delegated to the qualified provider or family.

  • Home and community-based services or "HCBS" means Home and Community-Based Services as defined in OAR chapter 411, division 004.

  • Community-based means a facility, program or service, or open group home or other suitable place located near the home or family of the juvenile, and programs of community supervision and service which maintain community participation in their planning, operation, and evaluation. These programs may include but are not limited to medical, educational, vocational, social, and psychological guidance, training, counseling, alcoholism treatment, drug treatment, diversion programs for first-time offenders, transitional living, independent living and other rehabilitative services;

  • Paycheck Protection Program means loan program created by Section 1102 of the CARES Act.

  • Long-term inpatient care means inpatient services for

  • Community basin means an infiltration system, sand filter designed to infiltrate, standard constructed wetland, or wet pond, established in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:8-4.2(c)14, that is designed and constructed in accordance with the New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, or an alternate design, approved in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.2(g), for an infiltration system, sand filter designed to infiltrate, standard constructed wetland, or wet pond and that complies with the requirements of this chapter.

  • Hospitalization means admission in a Hospital for a minimum period of 24 consecutive ‘In- patient Care’ hours except for specified procedures/ treatments, where such admission could be for a period of less than 24 consecutive hours.

  • Urban renewal plan means a plan, as it exists from time to time, for an urban renewal project, which plan shall be sufficiently complete to indicate such land acquisition, demolition and removal of structures, redevelopment, improvements, and rehabilitation as may be proposed to be carried out in the urban renewal area, zoning and planning changes, if any, land uses, maximum density and building requirements.

  • income-related employment and support allowance means an income-related allowance under Part 1 of the Welfare Reform Act 2007;

  • Partial Hospitalization means an outpatient program specifically designed for the diagnosis or active treatment of a serious mental disorder when there is a reasonable expectation for improvement or when it is necessary to maintain a patient’s functional level and prevent relapse or full hospitalization. Partial hospital programs are usually furnished by a hospital as distinct and organized intensive ambulatory treatment service of less than 24-hour daily care.

  • Continuing care retirement community means a residential

  • Family child care home means a private home in which 1 but fewer than 7 minor children are received for care and supervision for compensation for periods of less than 24 hours a day, unattended by a parent or legal guardian, except children related to an adult member of the household by blood, marriage, or adoption. Family child care home includes a home in which care is given to an unrelated minor child for more than 4 weeks during a calendar year. A family child care home does not include an individual providing babysitting services for another individual. As used in this subparagraph, "providing babysitting services" means caring for a child on behalf of the child's parent or guardian if the annual compensation for providing those services does not equal or exceed $600.00 or an amount that would according to the internal revenue code of 1986 obligate the child's parent or guardian to provide a form 1099-MISC to the individual for compensation paid during the calendar year for those services.

  • Community Contribution Company means a corporation formed under the laws of British Columbia that includes in its articles the following statement:

  • Commercial sexual activity means any sex act or sexually explicit performance for which anything of value is given, promised to, or received by any person and includes, but is not limited to, prostitution, participation in the production of pornography, and performance in strip clubs.

  • Economic development incentive means a financial incentive,

  • Executive commissioner means the executive

  • Community-based rehabilitation means one or more of the

  • Community health worker means an individual who:

  • Community Reinvestment Act means the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, as amended.