Company Buy Back Period definition

Company Buy Back Period means the period beginning on the Closing Date and ending twelve months thereafter.

Related to Company Buy Back Period

  • Payback Period means the reasonably estimated period of time that it takes for the cost savings resulting from a capital improvement to equal the total cost of the capital improvement. Landlord, by itself or through an affiliate, shall have the right to directly perform, provide and be compensated for any services under this Lease. If Landlord incurs Expenses for the Building or Property together with one or more other buildings or properties, whether pursuant to a reciprocal easement agreement, common area agreement or otherwise, the shared costs and expenses shall be equitably prorated and apportioned between the Building and Property and the other buildings or properties.

  • Look-back Period means, with respect to any Employment Violation by Grantee, the period beginning on the date which is 12 months prior to the date of such Employment Violation by Grantee and ending on the date of computation of the Recapture Amount with respect to such Employment Violation.

  • Holdback Period has the meaning set forth in Section 3(a).

  • Off-Peak Period means the period during which the demand on an electric utility system is not at or near its maximum. For the purpose of this section, the off-peak period includes all hours that are not in the peak period.

  • Clawback Period means, with respect to any Accounting Restatement, the three completed fiscal years of the Company immediately preceding the Restatement Date (as defined below), and if the Company changes its fiscal year, any transition period of less than nine months within or immediately following those three completed fiscal years.

  • Lock-up Period means the period beginning on the date hereof and continuing through the close of trading on the date that is 90 days after the date of the Prospectus (as defined in the Underwriting Agreement).

  • IPO means the Company’s first underwritten public offering of its Common Stock under the Securities Act.

  • Ramp Period The Ramp Period shall begin on the Effective Date and continue for a period of 3 months following the Effective Date. Commencing with the Effective Date and at all times during the Ramp Period thereafter, Customer will receive the rates, discounts, charges and credits set forth herein and will not be subject to the AVC. Annual Volume Commitment (“AVC”): $360,000 in Total Service Charges (“AVC”) during each contract year of the Term (following the expiration of the Ramp Period).

  • Lookback Period means the three completed fiscal years immediately preceding the Accounting Restatement Date, as well as any transition period (resulting from a change in the Company’s fiscal year) within or immediately following those three completed fiscal years (except that a transition period of at least nine months shall count as a completed fiscal year). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Lookback Period shall not include fiscal years completed prior to the Effective Date.

  • Acquisition Period means the period beginning, at the election of the Company, with the funding date of the purchase price for a Specified Acquisition and ending on the earliest of (a) the third following fiscal quarter end, (b) the Company’s receipt of proceeds of a Specified Equity Offering; and (c) the Company’s election in writing to terminate such Acquisition Period.

  • Ramp-Up Period means the period from and including the Effective Date to, but excluding, September 23, 2016.

  • Post-Closing Period means any taxable period (or portion thereof) beginning after the Closing Date.

  • Pre-Closing Period means any taxable period ending on or before the Closing Date.

  • Peak Period means the time between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. (April through September) or between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. (October through March) on all days except Saturdays and Sundays, which daily time period will be subject to change from time to time at the Company's option. This change would occur after no less than ten (10) days notice has been given to all Customers who would be affected, and to the Commission.

  • Black-Out Period means any “black-out” or similar period under the Corporation’s policies covering trading in the Corporation’s securities to which the applicable Redeeming Member is subject (or will be subject at such time as it owns Class A Common Stock), which period restricts the ability of such Redeeming Member to immediately resell shares of Class A Common Stock to be delivered to such Redeeming Member in connection with a Share Settlement.

  • Offer Closing Date has the meaning set forth in Section 1.01(f).

  • Blackout Period shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3(n).

  • Lockup Period has the meaning set forth in Section 2.4(d)(i).

  • Payoff Period For the first Distribution Date, the period from the Cut-Off Date through November 14, 2005, inclusive; and for any Distribution Date thereafter, the period from the 15th day of the Prior Period through the 14th day of the month of such Distribution Date, inclusive.

  • Run-Out Period means a period after the close of a Plan Year or other period during which Participants in a flexible spending arrangement (FSA) may request reimbursement for expenses incurred during the Period of Coverage.

  • Start-up Period means up to a maximum of 7 Academy Financial Years and covers the period up to and including the first Academy Financial Year in which all age groups are present at the Academy (that is, all the pupil cohorts relevant to the age-range of the Academy will have some pupils present).

  • Qualifying Period means 12 continuous Calendar Weeks during the whole or part of which the Agency Worker is supplied by one or more Temporary Work Agencies to the relevant Hirer to work temporarily for and under the supervision and direction of the relevant Hirer in the same role, and as further defined in the Schedule to these Terms;

  • Scheduled Black-Out Period means the period from and including the last day of a fiscal quarter of the Company to and including the business day after the day on which the Company publicly releases its earnings for such fiscal quarter.

  • Restructuring Period means, whether or not there are Rated Securities at the time a Restructuring Event occurs, the period of 45 days starting from and including the day on which that Restructuring Event occurs.

  • Shelf Period has the meaning set forth in Section 2.02(b).