Examples of Component A-1 in a sentence
Component A1: Addendum III requires monthly reporting of all harvest of horseshoe crabs (bait fisheries, biomedical, industry, by-catch, educational and scientific research) by number landed, by sex and harvest method.
Service A - Application and Database Support Service Component A1- Advice & Guidance Description ● MAM will respond to requests for assistance on the use of MAM produced applications and associated databases.
Some of the items under EMP will be integrated with the civil works and included in the budget of Component A1.
Component A.1: Making it easier to start a business will support efforts of the Government to: 1) streamline and simplify process for starting a business within and outside Industry and Commerce sector; and 2) automate enterprise registration through developing a new online business registration system.
Investments under Component A1 (Rural roads infrastructure) is USD56.2 million; Component A2 (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) is USD 7.3 million; and Component B (Capacity Development and Project Management Support) is USD4 million.
In particular, the hydrological models developed under Component A-1 and the water utilization procedures/rules developed under Component C were not as well coordinated as planned at appraisal.
Space restrictions force us to present in details only the methods we compare our method with in Section 4.
Within Sub-programme A, support will be given to both Component A1 – local transferences to districts to increase the current budget – and Component A2 – local transferences to the districts to increase budget capital (pilot programme in some selected woredas).
However, Component A was split into Component A-1 (Basin Modeling and Knowledge Base) and Component A-2 (Environmental and Transboundary Analysis) because they required different technical expertise and coordination arrangements.
Sub- Component A1 National and Regional Water and Salt Management Plans 2000-2003 Water and sult.