Examples of Composite liner in a sentence
Composite liner" means a geomembrane placed over and in direct and uniform contact with a barrier soil layer and/or geosynthetic clay liner, without a leak detection or leachate collection layer between them.
Expanded landfill Composite liner systemInitial positionFinal positionExisting landfill Fig.2 Overall settlement of existing landfill.
Class II residual waste landfill:• Subbase prepared of soil or earthen materials,• Leachate-detection zone placed on the subbase,• Composite liner of synthetic material over earthen materials placed on the leachate-detection zone, and• Protective cover and leachate-collection zone placed over the liner.
In the 2015 CCR Rule, the term ‘‘unlined’’ CCR surface impoundment included any unit not constructed with one of the following types of liners: (1) Composite liner; (2) alternative composite liner; or (3) liner consisting of a minimum of two feet of compacted soil with a hydraulic conductivity of no more than 1 × 10¥7 cm/s.3 See § 257.71(a).
Composite liner systems are used along the bottom and sides of landfills as impermeable barriers and are typically constructed with layers of natural materials with low permeability (e.g., compacted clay) and/or synthetic materials (e.g., high-density polyethylene) (NSWMA, 2008).