Composting facility definition

Composting facility means a site, location, tract of land, installation, or building used for composting of solid waste in accordance with Chapter 3734. of the Revised Code and rules adopted thereunder. The composting facility includes the area of materials placement and any leachate management system structures.
Composting facility. A solid waste management facility where solid waste is processed using composting technology. Processing may include physical turning, windrowing, aeration or other mechanical handling of organic matter.
Composting facility means land, appurtenances, structures, or equipment where

Examples of Composting facility in a sentence

  • Composting facility will have greater than 25 but no more than 500 cubic yards of all materials on-site at any one time, not to exceed 2,500 cubic yards feedstocks processed in a calendar year.

  • The output of the Composting facility may be sold to end-users and applied as a soil amendment immediately, or may also be taken to an off-site composting facility to be blended with other compost products.

  • Composting facility will have greater than 25 but no more than 1,000 cubic yards of agricultural wastes and bulking agents on-farm at any one time, and up to 50% of organic materials on-farm may be yard debris.

  • The Composting facility will be an approximately 135,000 square foot fully-enclosed operation.

  • Annual average expected capacity of the Composting facility is up to 165,000 TPY.

More Definitions of Composting facility

Composting facility means a solid waste management facility where solid waste is processed using composting technology. Processing may include physical turning, windrowing, aeration or other mechanical handling of organic matter.
Composting facility means a facility where
Composting facility means any facility that composts wastes and has a composting area larger than one-half acre.
Composting facility means any facility used to provide aerobic, thermophilic decomposition of the solid organic constituents of solid waste to produce a stable, humus-like material.
Composting facility means a facility at which composting is conducted and which produces a product meeting the definition of compost in Public Resources Code (PRC) section 40116. (“Compost” means the product resulting from the controlled biological decomposition of organic wastes that are source separated from the municipal solid waste stream, or which are separated at a centralized facility. “Compost” includes vegetable, yard and wood wastes which are not hazardous waste, and biosolids where combined with other organic materials in a mixture that consists largely of decayed organic matter, and is used for fertilizing and conditioning land.)
Composting facility means a facility where composting of yard clippings or other organic materials occurs using mechanical handling techniques such as physical turning, windrowing, or aeration or using other management techniques approved by the director.
Composting facility means all contiguous land (including buffer zones) and structures, other appurtenances, and improvements on the land used for composting. This does not include home composting.