Examples of Concerning communication in a sentence
Some students gathered at Nyerere Theater One, which is situated at the University of Dar es Salaam.
Concerning communication ACCC/C/2016/138 (Armenia), the Committee noted that it had agreed to proceed to commence its deliberations on the substance of the case without a hearing.
Concerning communication ACCC/C/2019/168 (Iceland), the Committee agreed that it would decide how to proceed with the communication at an upcoming meeting.
Concerning communication ACCC/C/2017/148 (Greece), the Committee noted that it had agreed to send questions to the parties for their written reply and that it would decide how to proceed with the communication taking into account the information received.
Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Archdiocesan Code of Conduct and local handbook.Definitions● Threat: Concerning communication or behavior that suggests a person may intend to harm someone else.
Concerning communication ACCC/C/2017/150 (United Kingdom), the Committee agreed that it would decide how to proceed with the communication at an upcoming meeting.
Benchmarking that against authorities named by CIPFA as statistical near neighbours confirms that the current York allowances are low (the lowest in the comparator group) and that York has the least number of Councillors.
The U.S. Small Business Administration and the State of Mississippi jointly fund the Contract Procurement Centers.
Concerning communication ACCC/C/2013/96 (European Union), the Committee continued its deliberations on its draft findings in closed session and agreed to continue those deliberations with a view to completing its draft findings and, as appropriate, recommendations.
Concerning communication ACCC/C/2014/106 (Czechia), the Committee continued its deliberations on its draft findings in closed session and agreed to continue those deliberations through its electronic decision-making procedure with a view to completing its draft findings and, as appropriate, recommendations.