Examples of Concerning communication in a sentence
Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Archdiocesan Code of Conduct and local handbook.Definitions● Threat: Concerning communication or behavior that suggests a person may intend to harm someone else.
Concerning communication effectiveness, results indicated that students felt that e-mail is an effective means of communicating with the instructor.
Concerning communication in the classroom, Teacher M made use of code switching.
Concerning communication, unlinka- bility of different interactions between users and service providers is offered by anonymity networks like Tor [10].
Concerning communication, the system supports instant messages, message boards for offline communication and the ability to share viewpoints.The space we designed for discursive activities to take place in is the requirements space.
Concerning communication load (Figure 3.6), AFC-tree improves on our AFC-ng algorithm.
Concerning communication between themselves, the Board resolved to begin a WhatsApp group for the Board members only.• Malawi Training: The Board agreed to pay for the French translation in Malawi as AORC’s contribution towards the cost of the training initiated by the Ombudsman of Malawi on the Role of Ombudsman in Protecting and Enforcing Accountability, Ethics and Transparency.
The INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT shall be based on intrastate usage at the PRODUCT HIERARCHY LEVEL and will equal the difference between (a) such usage priced at TARIFF less TARIFF discounts and (b) such usage priced at the INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT RATE in ATTACHMENT D less DISCOUNT ONE discounts.
Even though heat is generally considered a lower quality energy form than work or electricity, it is needed (at different temperatures) to meet various demands in human society.
Concerning communication, prior research has shown that for CSR engagement to be genuinely beneficial to both the company and society, an organization investing in CSR requires a communication strategy (Husted andSalazar, 2006).