conditional allocation definition
conditional allocation. ’ means an allocation to a province or municipality from the national government’s share of revenue raised nationally, envisaged in section 214(1)(c) of the Constitution, as set out in Schedule 4, 5, 6 or 7;
conditional allocation. ’ means a conditional allocation to a province or 10 municipality from the national government’s share of revenue raised nationally, which is provided for and whose purpose is specified in the Division of Revenue
conditional allocation means an Allocation of Tax Credits to a Project that remains subject to conditions prior to the issuance of IRS Form(s) 8609.
More Definitions of conditional allocation
conditional allocation. ’ means an allocation to a province or municipality from the 20 national government’s share of revenue raised nationally, envisaged in section 214(1)(c)
conditional allocation. ’ means a conditional allocation to a province, local 10 government or municipality from the national government’s share of revenue raised nationally, contemplated in section 214(1)(c) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;
conditional allocation. ’ means an allocation due to a municipality as contem- plated in section 36(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act;
conditional allocation. ’ means a conditional allocation to a province, local government or municipality from the national government’s share of revenue raised nationally, contemplated in section 214(1)(c) of the Constitution of the 35
conditional allocation. ’ means an allocation due to a municipality as contem- plated in section 36(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003);
conditional allocation. ’ means an allocation to a province or municipality from
conditional allocation. ’ means a conditional allocation to a province, local 30