Confidential GEO Information definition

Confidential GEO Information means any GEO Data or information provided under this Agreement by GEO to Consultant that is commercially valuable, confidential, proprietary, or a trade secret. Confidential GEO Information, however, shall not include information that is or was, at the time of the disclosure: (a) generally known or available to the public; (b) received by Consultant from a third-party; (c) already in Consultant’s possession prior to the date of receipt from Discloser; or (d) independently developed by Consultant. These exceptions apply in each case as long as the information was not delivered to or obtained by Consultant as a result of any breach of this Agreement, Law, or any contractual, ethical, or fiduciary obligation owed to GEO. Consultant agrees (i) not to disclose Confidential GEO Information to any other person, firm, or entity without first obtaining GEO’s express written consent, and (ii) that at all times it shall use the same standard of care to protect Confidential GEO Information as it uses to protect its own confidential information of a similar nature, but not less than a commercially reasonable standard of care. Consultant shall hold all Confidential GEO Information and all GEO Data in trust and confidence for GEO, and shall not use any GEO Data other than for the benefit of GEO. If Consultant becomes subject to a court order for the release of Confidential GEO Information and/or GEO Data, or is otherwise legally compelled to release any information related to GEO, Consultant shall use its best efforts to provide GEO with as much advance notice as possible of the information’ s prospective release, to the extent permitted by applicable Laws, to enable GEO to petition for protective concealment, or to oppose the disclosure, of the GEO Data and, or, Confidential GEO Information. Consultant further agrees that the unauthorized disclosure of Confidential GEO Information is a material breach of this Agreement that may result in irreparable harm to GEO. In those cases, payment of money damages is inadequate and difficult to ascertain. Consultant agrees, therefore, that GEO may, at its sole option, seek immediate injunctive relief in any court of competent jurisdiction enjoining any further such breach, and Consultant consents to the entry of judgment for injunctive relief.
Confidential GEO Information means any GEO Data or information provided under this Consultant Agreement by GEO to Consultant that is commercially valuable, confidential, proprietary, or a trade secret. Confidential GEO Information, however, shall not include information that is or was, at the time of the disclosure:
Confidential GEO Information means any GEO Data or information provided under this Agreement by GEO to Consultant that is commercially valuable, confidential, proprietary, or a trade secret. Confidential GEO Information, however, shall not include information that is or was, at the time of the disclosure: (a) generally known or available to the public; (b) received by Consultant from a third-party;

Examples of Confidential GEO Information in a sentence

  • Consultant further agrees that all GEO Data not considered Confidential GEO Information shall be kept in confidence and not disclosed to third parties, excepting that certain data, as appropriate, may be disclosed to appropriate agencies/departments in connection with the performance of this Agreement.

  • GEO Data that qualifies as Confidential GEO Information (as defined below) provided to Consultant shall be governed by the obligations of confidentiality in Section 5, data security and privacy best practices, and restrictions against disclosure at least as restrictive as those contained in this Section and Section 5 of this Agreement.

  • GEO Data that qualifies as Confidential GEO Information, as defined below, provided to Consultant shall be governed by the obligations of confidentiality in Section 5, data security and privacy best practices, and restrictions against disclosure at least as restrictive as those contained in this Section and Section 5 of this Consultant Agreement.

  • Advisor further agrees that all GEO Data not considered Confidential GEO Information shall be kept in confidence and not disclosed to third parties, excepting that certain data, as appropriate, may be disclosed to appropriate agencies/departments in connection with the performance of this Agreement.

  • GEO Data that qualifies as Confidential GEO Information, as defined below, provided to Advisor shall be governed by the obligations of confidentiality in Section 5, data security and privacy best practices, and restrictions against disclosure at least as restrictive as those contained in this Section and Section 5 of this Agreement.

  • GEO Data that qualifies as Confidential GEO Information (as defined below) provided to Consultant shall be governed by the obligations of confidentiality and restrictions against disclosure contained in this Section and Section 5 of this Agreement.

More Definitions of Confidential GEO Information

Confidential GEO Information means any GEO Data or information provided under this Agreement by GEO to Consultant that is commercially valuable, confidential, proprietary, or a trade secret. Confidential GEO Information, however, shall not include information that is or was, at the time of the disclosure: (a) generally known or available to the public; (b) received by Consultant from a third-party; (c) already in Consultant’s possession prior to the date of receipt from Discloser; or (d) independently developed by Consultant. These exceptions apply in each case as long as the information was not delivered to or obtained by Consultant as a result of any breach of this Agreement, Law, or any contractual, ethical, or fiduciary obligation owed to GEO.

Related to Confidential GEO Information

  • Confidential Information has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.

  • State Confidential Information means any and all State Records not subject to disclosure under CORA. State Confidential Information shall include, but is not limited to, PII, PHI, PCI, Tax Information, CJI, and State personnel records not subject to disclosure under CORA. State Confidential Information shall not include information or data concerning individuals that is not deemed confidential but nevertheless belongs to the State, which has been communicated, furnished, or disclosed by the State to Contractor which (i) is subject to disclosure pursuant to CORA; (ii) is already known to Contractor without restrictions at the time of its disclosure to Contractor; (iii) is or subsequently becomes publicly available without breach of any obligation owed by Contractor to the State; (iv) is disclosed to Contractor, without confidentiality obligations, by a third party who has the right to disclose such information; or (v) was independently developed without reliance on any State Confidential Information.

  • Confidential means confidential financial information concerning offeror’s organization and data that qualifies as a trade secret in accordance with the Uniform Trade Secrets Act NMSA 1978 57-3-A-1 to 57-3A-7. See NMAC As one example, no information that could be obtained from a source outside this request for proposals can be considered confidential information.

  • Proprietary Information shall have the same meaning as Confidential Information.