Consortium lead definition
Examples of Consortium lead in a sentence
As they get older, they pay attention to conversations that they hear from their parents about money, the other parent, and other adult conversation.
Consortium lead will be the one and sole point of responsibility and single window of communication for the client.
In its capacity as the East Bay Paratransit Consortium lead, AC Transit will be fully compensated for all invoiced East Bay Paratransit trips to and from the East Bay, at a rate to be determined in the Operating Agreement.
The Program is implemented by a consortium of implementing partners including RTI International (RTI) as the Consortium lead and Florida State University (FSU) and Mississippi State University (MSU).
In consideration of the receipt of these grant funds, the local education agency (LEA), Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), or Consortium lead School Board (the Board) agrees to comply with the assurances and provisions included in the ESEA General Assurances form and Grant Award Letter (GAL).