Construction Worker Travel Plan definition
Examples of Construction Worker Travel Plan in a sentence
The Council considers that additional controls and monitoring are required in the Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) and Construction Worker Travel Plan (CWTP) to ensure that construction workers use sustainable transport modes.
ConstructionA Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) along with a Construction Worker Travel Plan (CWTP) should be conditioned as part of the planning consent.
The material in Section 5 outlines more details on construction worker trips and the measures within the Construction Worker Travel Plan that will seek to reduce the impact of construction workers travel.
The Applicants have continued to engage with National Highways on this matter and is seeking to agree that the construction impact at the A1085 / A1053 roundabout during the weekday AM and PM peak periods would be suitably controlled through the final Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) and Construction Worker Travel Plan (CWTP) which would be submitted for approval prior to construction starting on site in accordance with Requirements 18 and 19 of the Draft DCO [REP2-002].
The LHA is satisfied that the Agreed Ref Description of Matter Applicant – Current Position SDC and NYCC – Current Position Position reference APP-041) and concluded that the traffic impacts on NYCC highway network during the construction phase will not give rise to significant environmental impacts within North Yorkshire and the impacts can be managed using a Construction Traffic Management Plan (OD-009) and Construction Worker Travel Plan (document reference APP-120).
The detailed design will be approved in accordance with a DCO requirement11.1.2 Although construction worker commuting is only estimated to generate 0.1% of construction phase GHGs (see Table 7.1), it is noted that the Construction Worker Travel Plan (see Annex 27 of the Transport Assessment in ES Volume III, Document Ref.
The submission includes commentary on the updated Implementation Plan, Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP), Transport Incident Management Plan (TIMP) and Construction Worker Travel Plan (CWTP).
Construction Worker Travel Plan (CWTP) (document reference APP-120).
The Applicant acknowledges NYCC (Highways) request to seek to develop the CTMP (document reference OD- NYCC (Highways) have indicated further discussions are required to develop the Construction Worker Travel Plan (CWTP) and Construction Traffic Management (CTMP) with to avoid as much as possible congestion on the network and mitigate accidents which may be attributed to the increase in traffic around the site.
Further information will be provided in a Construction Worker Travel Plan.