Contingent definition
Contingent means, with reference to a Claim, a Claim that has not accrued or is not otherwise payable and the accrual of which, or the obligation to make payment on which, is dependent upon a future event that may or may not occur.
Contingent means, when used in reference to a Claim, any Claim, the liability for which attaches or is dependent upon the occurrence or happening of, or is triggered by, an event that has not yet occurred as of the date on which such Claim is sought to be estimated or on which an objection to such Claim is filed, whether or not such event is within the actual or presumed contemplation of the holder of such Claim and whether or not a relationship between the holder of such Claim and the applicable Debtor now or hereafter exists or previously existed.
Examples of Contingent in a sentence
Contingent liabilities also arise in circumstances where a provision would otherwise be made but either it is not probable that an outflow of resources will be required or the amount of the obligation cannot be measured reliably.
Contingent rents are recognised as revenue in the period in which they are earned.
Contingent liabilities are not recognised in the Balance Sheet but disclosed in a note to the accounts.
Contingent rents are charged as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred.
Contingent lease payments are accounted for by revising the minimum lease payments over the remaining term of the lease when the lease adjustment is confirmed.
More Definitions of Contingent
Contingent means, with respect to any Claim or Interest, or any portion thereof, except as otherwise provided herein, any contingent or unliquidated Claim asserted or which may be asserted against the Debtors.
Contingent. The Contingent Beneficiary is the person or persons designated by the Owner and named in our records to be Beneficiary if the Primary Beneficiary is not living. If no Beneficiary designation is in effect or if no Beneficiary is living at the time of an Owner’s death, the Beneficiary will be the estate of the deceased Owner. If an Owner dies on or after the Annuity Date, the Beneficiary will become the new Owner. Change of Beneficiary — Unless designated irrevocably, you may instruct us to change the Beneficiary prior to the death of any Owner. An irrevocable Beneficiary is one whose written consent is needed before you can change the Beneficiary designation or exercise certain other rights. Annuitant — The person on whose life annuity income payments may be based. Owner 1 is the Annuitant unless you designate another person as the Annuitant.
Contingent as used in the definition of “Tyco Contingent Asset” is a term of convenience only and shall not otherwise limit the type or manner of Assets that would otherwise be within the provisions of clauses (i) – (iii) of this definition.
Contingent with reference to a Claim, shall mean a Claim that has not accrued and that is dependent on a future event that may or may not occur.
Contingent means insurance issued to apply to claims or “suits” arising from “accidents” outside the country in which the insurance was issued. “Contingent” insurance takes the place of “primary” insurance when the insured has no “primary” insurance which applies.
Contingent as used in the definition of “RRD Contingent Asset” is a term of convenience only and shall not otherwise limit the type or manner of Assets that would otherwise be within the provisions of clauses (i) – (iii) of this definition.
Contingent. Instrument” a guarantee, bond or letter of credit issued by us or an Issuer pursuant to any Contingent Liability Facility;