Examples of Continued Business in a sentence
Except for Continued Business and Old Business, as a condition to placing an item on the agenda, agenda items from departments, including agenda items from commissions, shall be furnished to the City Clerk at a time established by the City Manager.
The agenda for the regular business meetings shall include the following: Ceremonial Items (including comments from the City Auditor if requested); Comments from the City Manager; Comments from the Public; Consent Calendar; Action Calendar (Appeals, Public Hearings, Continued Business, Old Business, New Business); Information Reports; and Communication from the Public.
No item shall be considered if not included in the packet, exceptas provided for in Section III.C.4 and Section III.D.4. Reports carried over, as Continued Business or Old Business need not be reproduced again.
White, Jr., 190 Milner Ave, Toronto, ON, Can., Zone M1S 5B6.E-mail: awhite@smwia-L30.com (Continued)30 - TORONTO, ON, CANADA (Continued) Business Representatives:190 Milner Ave, Toronto, ON, Can., Zone M1S 5B6.Phone # : (AC 416) 299-7260.FAX # : (AC 416) 299-7734.E-mail : info@smwia-l30.comWebsite : www.smwia-l30.com Joseph Popadynetz: E-mail: jpopadynetz@smwia-L30.com Jason Addison: E-mail: jaddison@smwia-L30.comJohn D.
Valor Telecomm TX, LLC-TX d/b/a Windstream Communications Southwest, Continued Business Lines and Trunks (Continued) SECTION 5 – LOCAL SERVICES PRICE LIST, Continued 5.6 WINDSTREAM SERVICE AREA, Continued 5.6.1 Business Line Service, Continued C.
Continued: Business Action Items - Springfield Indoor Track & Sportsplex Superintendent Wargo presented information on the Springfield Indoor Track & Sportsplex and reviewed information about the project.
No item shall be considered if not included in the packet, except as provided for in Section III.C.4 and Section III.D.4. Reports carried over, as Continued Business or Old Business need not be reproduced again.
ACCOUNTING POLICIES NOT YET ADOPTED (Continued) Business Combination, Consolidated Financial Statements and Non-Controlling Interest The CICA issued three new accounting standards in January 2009: Section 1582, Business Combinations, Section 1601, Consolidated Financial Statements and Section 1602, Non-Controlling Interests.
The following chart details the damages incurred, proceeds received and gains recorded as of December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006 due to hurricanes Katrina and Wilma (in millions): Property Insurance HOST HOTELS & RESORTS, L.P. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — (Continued) Business Interruption Insurance (1) Represents the book value of the property and equipment written off and repairs and clean-up costs incurred as a result of the hurricane damage.
Continued) Business combinations (Continued) Goodwill is measured as the excess of the sum of the consideration transferred, the amount of any non-controlling interests in the acquiree, and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree (if any) over the net of the acquisition-date amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed.