Controlling board definition
Examples of Controlling board in a sentence
As well, the app, through a peer-to-peer protocol, can carry out the verification function with no dependencies.
State Controlling board approval is required. The typical turnaround time is 45-60 days from application to final approval.
The OSHIIP operating line item which was created by Controlling board action on September 14th, 1998, was previously funded in Fund 554, Insurance Operating, along with the federal grants.
The polypropylene coated board keeps out atmospheric pollution and is waterproof.Inside the lid, a sheet of SHC (Super Humidity Controlling) board is incorporated which acts as buffer against the humidity fluctuation to a certain degree as well as absorbing the harmful gases emitted from the objects themselves.
DMH458-05 Mental Health requests Controlling board approval to release $131,192.00 for the construction contract, contingency and State Architect fee for the Ward 54 restroom renovation project at Twin Valley Behavioral Healthcare, Dayton Campus, Building 24, Dayton, Montgomery County.
EXP041-05 Expositions Commission requests Controlling board approval to waive competitive selection in the amount of $260,000.00 for FY05 to renew the contract with Pro Touch Inc., Columbus, Franklin County, to provide the Ohio Expo Center with daily office cleaning and restroom attendant services as needed for various events held at the Expo Center.
A Controlling board shall be appointed to direct the work of MAMCOAANA and shall be known as its Executive Committee (EC).
State Controlling board approval is required.➢ The typical turnaround time is 45-60 days from application to final approval.
DAS502-05 Administrative Services requests Controlling board approval to waive competitive selection in the amount of $11,280.51 for FY05 to modify the contract with Correctional Medical Services, St. Louis, Missouri, for additional medical services at the Toledo Correctional Institution which were provided in FY2004.
DAS508-05 Administrative Services requests Controlling board approval to waive competitive selection in the amount of $529,678.00 to continue the contract with the Ohio Civil Service Employees Association (OCSEA/AFSCME Local 11, AFL-CIO), Westerville, Franklin County, to reimburse expenses incurred as a partner in the State of Ohio Workforce Development program.