Convenience Creditor definition
Examples of Convenience Creditor in a sentence
They are expected to work from Monday to Saturday each week, and every other Sunday.
Pursuant to the Meeting Order, each Affected Creditor with a Voting Claim or a Disputed Voting Claim that is a Convenience Creditor shall be deemed to vote in favour of the Plan unless such Convenience Creditor has notified the Monitor in writing of its intention to vote against the Plan prior to the Meeting and does vote against the Plan at the Meeting (in person or by proxy).
For the purposes of voting on the Proposal, each Convenience Creditor was deemed to vote in and as part of the Affected Creditors Class.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Convenience Creditor with a Proven Claim of $500.00 or less is irrevocably deemed to have voted the full amount of its Proven Claims in favour of the approval of the Proposal without requirement for such Convenience Creditor to file a proxy to vote in favour of the Proposal, in consideration for the Proposal providing for the full payment of their Proven Claim.
On the Plan Implementation Date, under the supervision of the Monitor, the Applicant shall pay each Convenience Creditor with an Allowed Affected Claim that is a Convenience Claim the amount that is required to be paid to each such Creditor under this Plan by way of direct deposit, wire transfer, credit card payment or cheque sent by prepaid ordinary mail to the address set forth on such Convenience Creditor’s Notice of Claim or Proof of Claim.
On the Distribution Date, the Monitor, on behalf of the Migu Plan Companies, shall distribute to each Convenience Creditor with a Proven Claim an amount in cash equal to the lesser of (a)$1,500 and (b) the value of such Convenience Creditor’s Proven Claim.
On the Distribution Date, the Monitor, on behalf of the Migu Plan Companies, shall distribute to each Affected Creditor (that is not a Convenience Creditor) with a Proven Claim their pro rata share of the Affected Creditors’ Pot.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Convenience Creditor with a Proven Claim of $15,000 or less is irrevocably deemed to have voted the full amount of its Proven Claims in favour of the approval of the Proposal without requirement for such Convenience Creditor to file a proxy to vote in favour of the Proposal, in consideration for the Proposal providing for the full payment of their Proven Claim.
On the Plan Implementation Date, under the supervision of the Monitor, Cline shall pay each Convenience Creditor with an Allowed Convenience Claim the amount that is required to be paid to each such Creditor under this Plan by way of cheque sent by prepaid ordinary mail to the address set forth on such Convenience Creditor’s Notice of Claim or Proof of Claim.
Each Convenience Creditor, including, for clarity, any Unsecured Creditors that submit a Convenience Creditor Election, will be paid by the Proposal Trustee an amount in cash equal to the lesser of (a) $2,000 and (b) the value of such Convenience Creditor’s Proven Claim.