Examples of Conversion report in a sentence
The format and content of the Data Clean-up Report and the Data Conversion report will be defined after the start of the contract and must be approved by the Agency.
You will also use this report later to compare with the data on the Payroll Conversion report (Step 18-B).
Link to the Safe and Sensible Street Light – LED Conversion report to the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee on the 5 December 2014.
More specifically, the design services will include the development of a plan to implement District Metered Areas (DMA) island-wide and the construction documents to execute four sites that resulted from the DMA Conversion report prepared by WSO and delivered to GWA November 2019.
Cunningham and Andreas Klemmer, “Restructuring the U.S. Military Bases in Germany, Scope, Impacts, and Opportunities,” Bonn International Center for Conversion, report 4 (June 1995), 10.
The entire procedures and details for decisions related to the creation of the scan form and the scanning procedures used with returned responses are presented in the BLE Job-Task Analysis Criticality: Response Form Development, Data Capture, and Data Conversion report (Noe, 2005).
More specific information regarding the completed and returned response to the criticality survey is presented in the BLE Job-Task Analysis Criticality: Response Form Development, Data Capture, and Data Conversion report (Noe, 2005).
Figure 9: Conversion report on Google AnalyticsWe were also able to increase their conversions by 115% while also keep the cost per conversion on par.
You can break down a Conversion report into another Conversion report.
She concluded that she will be submitting a PERA Exclusion report, Budget Summary to the State Auditor, MN Pay Equity report, Comp Time Conversion report, Outstanding Indebtedness report, and Tier II Homeland Security reports by the end of the month.