Examples of Convicted offender in a sentence
These parameters lead to a mean time between failure (MTBF) of approximately 11 days for a typical node.
Convicted offender samples are not considered evidentiary samples; therefore, additional testing can be performed following the submission of a known sample from John Doe to the BCA Laboratory.Current law and BCA practiceMinnesota Statutes, section 299C.155, subdivision 4, governs the access to DNA analysis related data.
Convicted offender and/or arrestee- related sample collection kits may be purchased.
Missing values appear as zeros in the measure.]Frequency: Annual Reporting Period: Calendar Year Timeliness of Reporting / Uploading DNA Tests Convicted offender and arrestee DNA profiles are uploaded into the national DNA database, CODIS.
See Arkansas State Crime Laboratory Quality Manual for lab wide policy regarding Evidence Control and Case Management NOTE: Convicted offender / arrestee samples are handled differently than casework evidence due to the fact that offender samples are not considered evidence at the Arkansas State Crime Laboratory.
Convicted offender / arrestee samples enter the Arkansas State Crime Laboratory through the Evidence Receiving Section of the laboratory.