Cord Blood Stem Cells definition
Examples of Cord Blood Stem Cells in a sentence
Upon storage of the Cord Blood Stem Cells, by ViaCord, ViaCord will support the Quality Product Guarantee (QPG) as provided in this Schedule.
If Cord Blood Stem Cells are requested for release for a required hematopoietic transplant following standard, recognized medical practices and they do not Engraft, ViaCord will pay $35,000 to the Legal Guardian.
The Health History Questionnaire(s) provides much of the required information, and complete, accurate information is critical to Release and use of Cord Blood Stem Cells.
Generally, for Cord Blood Stem Cells to be used in treatment, the healthcare provider will need information about the Gestational Carrier and if applicable, Egg Donor.
I understand that there are benefits and risks associated with the collection of the Child’s Cord Blood Stem Cells.
In addition to the information requested in the Health History Questionnaire(s), use of Cord Blood Stem Cells requires some health information about the Gestational Carrier at the time of birth of the Child.
Accepted and agreed by the Legal Guardians: Account Owner: Signature: Print Name: _ Date: I elect to privately bank my Child’s Cord Blood Stem Cells with ViaCord.
I authorize ViaCord to process the Cord Blood Sample and store the Cord Blood Stem Cells after delivery.
I understand that the Cord Blood Stem Cells are being stored for potential therapeutic use by the Child or a first or second degree blood relative (i.e., parents, siblings, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews).
Notwithstanding anything else in this Agreement, the Child may take over as Account Owner with respect to the Cord Blood Stem Cells at any time after reaching the age of majority by executing a new Service Agreement with ViaCord.