Core Hole definition
Examples of Core Hole in a sentence
Perales, Spradlin & Liceras (2004) also isolate non-finite temporal infinitives, that is, RIs with a realis value, produced by María in the López-Ornat corpus.
The bidder with highest combined score shall be awarded the contract.
A large but unquantified volume of drilling fluid was lost in Core Hole 2.
The second pilot project (the “Second Pilot Project”; together with the First Pilot Project, referred to as the “Phase II Pilot Projects”) shall be located in the general vicinity of where a Phase I Core Hole (but a different Phase I Core Hole than chosen for the First Pilot Project) and will consist of five (5) xxxxx in a “five-spot” pattern spaced on 40 acres, more or less, per well.
Core Hole 98C-19 Core hole 98C-19 was selected for one reason, it had not yet been analyzed.
Minutes of Previous MeetingMotion by Klapper, seconded by Shimpach to approve the minutes from the October 24, 2019 Common Council Meeting.
Midway Twin RC & Core HolesRC Hole GR11-05 & Core Hole GR11-14c15-foot moving averages (3 or more assay intervals)5.000 4.500GR11-05GR11-14c4.000 3.500 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 0.500 0.000 Down-hole FootageGold ppmGustavson believes the twin hole comparison between reverse circulation and diamond drill holes is reasonable for those holes that maintained close proximity in mineralized intercepts at depth.
For our clients, we think big, dive deep, and are fast in our execution.
Each Phase I Core Hole will be drilled to a depth sufficient to penetrate the #5 coal (as determined by GEM), , and at the written request of GEM, may be drilled deeper.
During rock- coring activities in 1991, high concentrations of radiological contamination were detected in groundwater in the central main plant area of ORNL at a location designated as Core Hole 8.