Cluster development definition

Cluster development means a contiguous cluster or
Cluster development means a subdivision with lots clustered in a group of five or more lots that is
Cluster development means a residential development in which the building and accessory uses are clustered together with reduced lot sizes, into one or more groups. The land not included in the building lots shall be permanently preserved as open space.

Examples of Cluster development in a sentence

  • Key urban design concepts guiding development of Yerba Buena Island include the following: • Cluster development on Yerba Buena Island and establish new residential uses primarily on the site of existing housing pads.

  • The biggest savings is in street length, which also will reduce costs of the development, Cluster development "clusters" the construction activity onto less-sensitive areas without substantially affecting the gross density of development.

  • Similar arrangements between MU and AIT will be explored as part of MEND Cluster development.

  • Cluster development standards for the neighborhood shall be as follows (applies to both Single Family Detached and Cottage homes unless otherwise noted): Minimum Front yard setback: 10 feet to face of home, 20 feet to face of garage.

More Definitions of Cluster development

Cluster development means a subdivision with lots clustered in a group of five or more lots that is designed to concentrate building sites on smaller lots in order to reduce capital and maintenance costs for infrastructure through the use of concentrated public services and utilities, while allowing other lands to remain undeveloped.
Cluster development means a subdivision plat or plats, approved pursuant to this article, in which the applicable zoning ordinance or local law is modified to provide an alternative permitted method for the layout, configuration and design of lots, buildings and structures, roads, utility lines and other infrastructure, parks, and landscaping in order to preserve the natural and scenic qualities of open lands.
Cluster development means a contiguous cluster or noncontiguous cluster that is not a planned development.
Cluster development means a cluster housing scheme having a shared or common area for amenities;
Cluster development means a development design technique that concentrates buildings in specific areas on the property to allow the remaining property to be used for recreation, common open space, and preservation of environmentally sensitive features.
Cluster development means development from a land division in which dwellings and other buildings are grouped densely on only a portion of a development parcel, in contrast to conventional practice, which distributes development evenly across the entirety of a parcel, in order to accomplish any of the following:
Cluster development means a development contain- ing two (2) or more principal structures on one (1) lot, except that cottage housing developments shall not be considered a cluster development. In Highrise zones, two