Cluster development definition
Examples of Cluster development in a sentence
Cluster development allows flexibility in the design and lay-out of development projects, providing opportunity for new construction while addressing other priorities, such as: protecting environmentally sensitive areas, preserving large contiguous areas of open space and agricultural land, supporting the continuation of existing agricultural and/or horticultural land uses, and developing attractive residential development consistent with community character.
All regulated public drinking water systems shall pay an annual drinking water system fee.
Cluster development within the ARA shall be consistent with the Agriculture Retention/Farmland Preservation Plan Element of the Master Plan and the provisions of this ordinance by supporting the preservation of farmland, avoiding conflicts with agriculture, maintaining and enhancing the sustainability and continued viability of the agricultural industry, protecting Important Farmland Soils, and meeting the management and protection provisions of this ordinance for Highlands Preservation Area Resources.
Cluster development within the Preservation Area may be restricted beyond these requirements, by applicable provisions of NJDEP Preservation Area Rules (e.g., 3% maximum impervious coverage).
Cluster development within the ARA shall be consistent with the Agriculture Retention/Farmland Preservation Plan Element of the Master Plan and the provisions of this ordinance by supporting the preservation of farmland, avoiding conflicts with agriculture, maintaining and enhancing the sustainability and continued viability of the agricultural industry, protecting Important Farmland Soils, and meeting the management and protection provisions of this ordinance for Highlands Resources.