Examples of Cost of Energy in a sentence
In the case of ISO-NE as the delivering Party, the Cost of Energy shall be the ISO-NE final real-time integrated hourly Locational Marginal Price (“LMP”) at the external node associated with the Delivery Point (as used in the New England market system for energy exports from the New England Balancing Authority Area into the NYISO Balancing Authority Area, as such pricing node is defined in the ISO-NE Tariff and as summarized in Table 1), for the hour of the Emergency Energy delivery.
In addition, any generator that is dispatched by ISO for the purpose of providing voltage support to the New England Transmission System shall be eligible to recover its Lost Opportunity Costs (“LOC”), Cost of Energy Consumed (“CEC”), and Cost of Energy Produced (“CEP”) pursuant to Sections IV.B-D of this Schedule 2.
If the sum of the monthly Invoiced Replacement costs of Energy is greater than the Adjusted Replacement Cost of Energy, Buyer shall pay the difference to Seller.
If the Adjusted Replacement Cost of Energy is greater than the sum of the monthly Invoiced Replacement Costs of Energy from Buyer's Invoices for the Contract Year, Supplier shall pay the difference to Buyer.
If the amount so obtained is less than the sum of the monthly Gross Replacement Costs of Energy from Buyer's Invoices for the Contract Year, the Adjusted Replacement Cost of Energy for the Contract Year shall be the sum of the monthly Gross Replacement Costs of Energy less the amount obtained in accordance with the first sentence of this Section 7.5.1(c).
If the amount so obtained is greater than the sum of the monthly Gross Replacement Costs of Energy from Buyer's Invoices for the Contract Year, the Adjusted Replacement Cost of Energy for the Contract Year shall be zero.
The rate for Energy received by a receiving Company from specified unit(s) shall be the Variable Cost of Energy produced from each specified unit(s) plus ten (10) percent of such costs or three (3) xxxxx per kilowatt-hour, whichever is less.
Avoided Cost of Energy: The embedded purchased cost portion of the cooperative’s retail energy rate under which the member is billed plus the Power Cost Recovery Factor (PCRF) applicable for the month.
However, the Market Monitor recommends 392 First Transmittal at 59 (citing Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis – Version 11.0, Lazard (November 2017) https://www.lazard.com/media/450337/lazard- levelized-cost-of-energy-version-110.pdf).
Cost of transmission to a delivery point shall be included in the Cost of Energy.