Examples of Cost Pool 1 in a sentence
CLIENT agrees to ensure that individuals submitting claims for LEA Medi-Cal Billing Option Program are also included on the quarterly SMAA Cost Pool as a direct service provider (Cost Pool 1) and participates in the SMAA program in accordance with DHCS and CMS guidelines.
Cost Pool #1 pools together employee related costs of Salary and Benefits.
The total of all costs for Cost Pool 6 are redistributed to Cost Pool 1, Cost Pool 2, Cost Pool 3, Cost Pool 4, and Cost Pool 5 based on the Personnel costs of these Cost Pools.
Staff that participate in administrative activities and are eligible to submit claims for the Direct Service (DS) Program are included in Cost Pool 1.
Line 3: Enter the direct service providers gross claim amounts from Appendix VI, Section 3 – Quarterly Claim Calculation Detail for Cost Pool 1.
Revenues are collected in two cost pools and allocated against expenses as directed in Section 4.3. SPMP (Cost Pool #1) – Compile costs from the TAFI for those activity codes performed by designated SPMPs that are reimbursable at the enhanced rate in this pool.
ISDs have only two staff categories entered:● Cost Pool #1 for staff performing both direct services and MAC services, and● Cost Pool #2 for staff performing only MAC services.
Staff that fall under this description and are involved in these types of activities are included in Cost Pool 1.
Alternatively, for unknown s, let R 1 ∑N x k x k HBy dividing the N data vectors into M nonoverlapping blocks of length L and performing FFT on the blocks we obtain form 1 M, k 1 p and l 1 Lbe the sample covariance matrix with lag 0, and let λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥≥ λp be its eigenvalues in decreasing order.
The Commission will multiply the total of Cost Pool 1 and18 Cost Pool 3 by these percentages, as applicable, to determine the amounts payable by cardroom business19 licensees pursuant to this step.20 (4) Step Four.