Examples of Cost Recovery Rate in a sentence
The allocation percentage is determined by dividing the amount of Statewide Indirect Costs used in the Indirect Cost Allocation Plan by the total amount of indirect costs used in the calculation of the Federally Approved Indirect Cost Recovery Rate.
The resulting percentage is the Federally Approved Statewide Cost Recovery Rate.
By funding the cost of retaining this inventory outside customer prices, the DLA can reduce the materiel surcharge (Cost Recovery Rate) to achieve more comparable pricing.
By funding the cost of retaining this inventory outside customer prices, DLA can reduce the materiel surcharge (Cost Recovery Rate) to achieve more comparable pricing.
The fee is not included in the Customer Charge.** The "Gas Cost Recovery Rate (GCR)" as shown above, is an adjustment per Mcf determined in accordance with the "Gas Cost Adjustment Clause" as set forth on Sheets No. 13 and 14 of this tariff.*** Residential rates are subject to the "Conservation/Efficiency Program Cost Recovery Component (CEPRC)" of 0/Mcf.
The deliverables for this review will include the following documents: • The inception Report: The inception report should detail the evaluators’ understanding of what is being evaluated and why, showing how each evaluation question will be answered by way of: proposed methods, proposed sources of data and data collection procedures.
DETERMINATION OF GCR The Company shall file a Quarterly Report with the Commission which shall contain an updated Gas Cost Recovery Rate (GCR) and shall be filed at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of each calendar quarter.
Instead, these charges are taken infinitesimally small so as not to disturb the many-body system.
Black Start Units that are selected to provide Black Start Service after June 6, 2021, pursuant to Schedule 6A, section 6 that subsequently transition from the Capital Cost Recovery Rate to the Base Formula Rate shall have a lifetime commitment and can only terminate for the reason specified in Schedule 6A, section 6(ii).
History: Item 23-001-RO379, Indirect Cost Recovery Rate (Revised), Montana University System, May 30, 1979 and January 31, 1986.