Regional Planning. The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) responsible for the preparation of RTPs and RTIPs in the project area is SANDAG. The applicable transportation plan and program for the proposed project are the SANDAG 2050 Revenue Constrained Highway Network of the Regional Transportation Plan (SANDAG 2011); and the 2010 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) as amended (SANDAG 2011). The U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) made a finding of conformity for the 2010 RTIP and a conformity redetermination for the 2030 RTP on December 14, 2010 (U.S. DOT 2010). The RTIP was approved by federal agencies and the U.S. DOT adopted a Clean Air Act (CAA) conformity determination for the RTIP on December 14, 2010. The proposed project is included in the 2010 RTIP on Page 3 of Amendment 2, as MPO ID CAL66 and RTIP # 10-02 (State Route 11 from Border of Mexico east of SR-905/Otay Mesa Border Crossing to Future SR-125/SR-905 junction) (SANDAG 2010). The project Capacity Status is “CI” (Capacity Increasing). The Preferred Alternative is compatible with the design concept and scope described in the 2030 RTP and conforms to the SIP for air quality. The following table shows that the project is consistent with the regional land use plans. Planning Document Description Proposed Project Regional Comprehensive Plan The strategic planning framework for the San Diego region. Addresses the major elements of planning for the region, including urban form, transportation, housing, healthy environment, economic prosperity, public facilities, and border issues. Consistent Regional Transportation Plan The adopted long-range transportation planning document for the San Diego region. Addresses new and improved connections to more efficiently move people and goods throughout the region by providing more convenient, fast and safe travel choices for public transit, ridesharing, walking, biking, private vehicles, and freight. Consistent Regional Transportation Improvement Program A five-year capital improvement program for transportation projects that is updated by SANDAG every two years and reflects the region’s priorities for short- range transportation system improvements. Consistent * * Based on inclusion of proposed modifications of the SR-905 project in the 2010 RTIP, which is currently in process, prior to project approval. Source: State Route 11 and Otay Mesa East Port of Entry - Tier II Draft EIR/EIS, November 2010
Regional Planning. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) functions as both the State-designated Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) and federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). As such, MTC is responsible for the update of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), a financially constrained, long-range programming report for the region. Under SB 375, along with an updated RTP, each region in California must develop a Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) that promotes walk- and bike-friendly mixed-use commercial and residential development that is located close to mass transit, jobs, schools, shopping, parks, recreation, and other amenities. As the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area, MTC is required by Caltrans to prepare and adopt a regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) at least once every two years. The TIP is a list of surface transportation projects, programs and investment priorities in the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area over a four-year period. MTC’s Plan Bay Area 2040, adopted in July 2017, serves as the San Francisco Bay Area’s RTP and SCS. Plan Bay Area 2040 includes the continued development of the regional express lane network. The project is included in Plan Bay Area 2040 (ABAG and MTC 2017, amended 2020; RTP ID No. 17-10-0065) for a cost of $480M. The project is in the 2019 TIP, which was adopted by the MTC on September 28, 2018 (MTC 2018; TIP ID No. ALA170009). The FHWA and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) approved the 2019 TIP on December 17, 2018.
Regional Planning. TRPA will provide a forum that will xxxxxx partnerships and coordination in the development of public transit services throughout the Lake Tahoe Region. As part of TRPA’s MPO role, TMPO will continue the comprehensive, cooperative and coordinated transportation planning process in the Lake Tahoe Region. Each Party to this MOU and the relationship of the regional and interregional transit network is critical to the implementation of the regional transportation system called for in the TMPO RTP/SCS. TRPA will be responsible for the development of regional planning documents that are required as the MPO for the Lake Tahoe Region, such as the RTP/SCS. Each Party will provide technical information during the development of these regional planning documents.
Regional Planning. Modernisation of cancer services requires a collaborative regional approach across the South East of Scotland. This must incorporate all aspects of service provision, technological development and improvement to the patient pathway. Effective local and regional arrangements to support the planning and management of cancer services in an integrated way are vital. Under the regional planning structure in the South East of Scotland, the Radiotherapy Short Life Working Group has supported collaborative working across Boards and focussed on demand, capacity, and meeting future challenges.
Regional Planning. Nothing in this Section X is intended to change the responsibility of the Midwest ISO to develop a regional plan, including the ITC facilities, as provided in this Agreement.
Regional Planning. The Association shall have the power to perform regional or subregional planning without limitation as to subject matter:
(1) that it is eligible or authorized to do; or,
(2) that it is required to do under State or Federal authority; or,
(3) that is authorized under other provisions of these Bylaws or as a result of the Association's studies of regional or subregional problems.
Regional Planning. The Build (Preferred) Alternative is included in the 2019 Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) as project ID ORA150110. The 2019 FTIP was adopted by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) on October 1, 2018 and approved for air quality conformity by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on December 17, 2018. The Build (Preferred) Alternative is also included in the financially constrained project list of the approved SCAG 2016-2040 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (2016 RTP/SCS) as project ID 2M0736. The project description in the RTP/SCS and FTIP is: “SR-91 (SR-57 to SR-55) - Add 1 XX xxxx EB from 55 to 57; Add 1 XX xxxx WB from Glassell to State College; Improve interchanges and merging from Lakeview to Xxxxxxx (PA&ED phase). Auxiliary lanes will be added in certain segments (PA&ED phase).” The proposed project is also consistent with the 2009 OCTA Commuter Bikeways Strategic Plan (May 2009) with the project being located within the Anaheim Canyon Business Center bikeway priority zone. Facilities are being proposed for bicycle (and pedestrian) users for each bridge reconstruction over SR-91 (including La Palma Ave, Glassell St, and Lakeview Ave).
Regional Planning. This IA has been prepared against the background of the developing collaboration on elective care across the six NHS Boards in the North of Scotland. This collaboration is much broader than the services being considered for the capital investment in Highland, Tayside and Grampian and encompasses work to harmonise access policies and pathways, maximise the use of elective care capacity, and ensure that a network of mutual support is developed to manage peaks of activity. Whilst the aim of all of the Boards in the North is to deliver treatment and care as close to home as possible all elective care capacity, including the capacity delivered through this Elective Care Centre proposal, will be regarded as a combined resource for the population of the North of Scotland as a whole. The planning of all of the proposed Elective Care Centres has used a common regional approach to data modelling and activity projections which will support the development of a regional Target Operating Model (XXX).
Regional Planning