Country Status definition
Examples of Country Status in a sentence
Date Class/Goods/Services [...***...] [...***...] [...***...] [...***...] [...***...] [...***...] ***Confidential Treatment Requested Confidential Xxxx Country Status Applic.
Country Partnership Strategy: Sri Lanka, 2018–2022—Transition to Upper Middle-Income Country Status.
Bin Ibrahim, (1996), Country Status Report, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), paper presented at the First SEAFDEC Workshop on Marine Turtle Research and Conservation, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, 15-18 January 1996, p.
The EpSOS programme reports that 20 EU countries were engaged with the development of patient summary, ePrescribing and eDispensing pilot programmes between 2008-2013 (epSOS Country Status Report D1.4.2).
Name Address Country Status (whether person resident outside India or person resident in India) Constitution / Nature of the investing Entity[Specify whether8.
In turn, the 12-city method was based on similar exercises in water and sanitation (e.g. Country Status Overviews produced by WSP).
Right to life expanded to protect people from envtal hazards; Right to clean and unpolluted water a FRt. The SC and Court of Appeals exercise writ jurisdiction.Locus standi widened to hear PILs. STATUS OF MAJOR GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT CONVENTIONS IN SAARC REGION Country Status – Ratification (* = Accession) Country CHAPTER IV COUNTRY PROFILE1.
These changes have also been requested by donors, as several recent sectors reports (including the 2009 World Bank Health Country Status Report) have pinpointed the same issues.
Multilateral / Regional Agreements With respect to regional and multilateral agreements one should visit the BAN Country Status page on the BAN website.
With Maldives’s transition to Middle Income Country Status, Official Development Assistance from traditional donor sources has been on the continuous decline.