Examples of County master plan in a sentence
Cooperative Planning Areas within the 2002 Expanded SOI’s will be given the Washoe County (hereinafter County) master plan land use (which is concurrently the County’s regulatory zoning) as translated to City land use and zoning.
The objective of the Southern New Castle County master plan is to inform development and preservation decisions, recommended physical improvements and governmental policies regarding transportation and land use for Southern New Castle County, as implemented through the New Castle County Comprehensive Plan.
The nominee informed the committee that he will be diligent to serve the public irrespective of political, religious, or ethnic affiliations,The Nominee also informed the committee that he intends to develop County master plan and spatial planning for the Sub counties.
Based on the review of the County master plan, the planning goals of the City of Plainfield and the South Avenue Gateway Redevelopment Plan, are consistent with goals identified in the 1998 Union County Master Plan.
As such, the proposed parcel map is deemed consistent with the existing Master Plan and Zoning, recognizing that per Nevada Planning regulations, the zoning of a parcel dictates development and land division standards.General conformity with the Lyon County master plan of streets and highways;The subject site’s relative location is shown below (with a red “x”) on a detail from the Master Plan’s County-Wide Integrated Roadway Network – Mason Valley map adopted in 2010.
The El Paso County Policy Plan (1998) has a dual purpose; it serves as a guiding document concerning broader land use planning issues, and provides a framework to tie together the more detailed sub-area elements of the County master plan.
The URCC site is identified in the State of Utah and Uintah County master plan for consolidation of public facilities (AJC 2005).
But here, the state officials' execution of the consent agreements was not part of any investigative activity.
The purpose of the AG zone is to implement the Lyon County master plan, to conserve agricultural resources, retain open spaces and the rural character of the county, and to direct urbanization into manageable and identified development areas.
The El Paso County Policy Plan (1998) has a dual purpose; it serves as a guiding document concerning broader land use planning issues and provides a framework to tie together the more detailed sub-area elements of the County master plan.