County Treasurer and Tax Collector definition
Examples of County Treasurer and Tax Collector in a sentence
Additional information about the investment policy of the County Treasurer and Tax Collector may be obtained from its website.
General Authorizations Except for investments by trustees of debt proceeds, the authority to invest District funds deposited with the county treasury is delegated to the County Treasurer and Tax Collector.
Potential financing sources include tax and revenue anticipation notes, temporary borrowing from the Los Angeles County Treasurer and Tax Collector, and internal temporary interfund borrowing.
This Board does hereby appoint the Los Angeles County Treasurer and Tax Collector as the Paying Agent (defined herein) for the Bonds on behalf of the District.
The BOR comprises four Trustees elected by the general, safety, and retired members, four Trustees appointed by the County’s Board of Supervisors, and the sitting County Treasurer and Tax Collector as an ex officio Trustee.
While the Los Angeles County Treasurer and Tax Collector (TTC) will bear some responsibility for complying with arbitrage requirements for invested bond proceeds, a key factor in compliance will be completing projects within three years.
LAIF does not impose liquidity fees or redemption gates on participant withdrawals.Investment in Kern County Investment PoolThe Kern County Treasurer’s Pooled Cash Portfolio (Pool) is a pooled investment fund program governed by the Kern County Board of Supervisors and administered by the Kern County Treasurer and Tax Collector.
Potential financing sources include tax and revenue anticipation notes, temporary borrowing from the Kern County Treasurer and Tax Collector, and internal temporary inter-fund borrowing.
This Agreement, Exhibit A (LA-RICS Radio Use Protocols), Exhibit B (Talkgroup Details), Exhibit C (LMR System Rate Schedule), Exhibit D (Los Angeles County Treasurer and Tax Collector Authorization for Automated Clearing House (ACH) Credits Form), Exhibit E (Notification Contact List), and any executed Amendments, between the Parties hereto, and no addition or modification of any terms or provisions shall be effective unless set forth in writing, signed by both User and Authority.
As the total effect is much smaller than the systematic trends found, adopting an Engelke function would not change our results.A potential source of systematic errors is the assumption that there exists no additional emission or absorption in the chosen fitting interval (8 to 8.6 µm, Sect.