Examples of Course Director in a sentence
The Registrar automatically changes an I to a failing letter grade (F) after one (1) year, unless a grade change is initiated by the Course Director.
SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS (LISTED ALPHABETICALLY BY HONOUR SCHOOL OR SUBJECT) Please note that HONOUR SCHOOLS OR SUBJECTS WHICH HAVE A ‘COURSE DIRECTOR’ ROLE ANDUSE THE ‘PAY MY DEPARTMENT’ OPTION in OxCORT are preceded with an asterisk (*): the email address of the Course Director is given in the case of each of these.
However, students must also understand that any paper reviewed by a Course Director may result in an overall grade amendment, and as such, they must accept the fact that any recheck or re-reading may lead to a lowering of the mark, or to a raising of the mark, or no change.
The Course Director, working in partnership with our Students’ Union, enables the process for election and appointment of Course Representatives.
Accident report forms (HS1) are available at reception offices, Security and Student Hubs.Infectious Disease Campus-based students who have been diagnosed with a serious infectious disease such as TB, measles, meningitis or chicken pox should notify their Course Director or Course Administrator as soon as possible giving information regarding which groups of students (and/or colleagues and clients on placements) you have been in contact with and when.