Course Director definition

Course Director shall be defined as an individual assigned sole principal responsibility for the design and/or presentation of a course (except where the course is a 1000-level College Course) or an individual assigned these responsibilities in a team-taught course. For the purposes of calculating salary and experience, it is recognized that one course director position normally consists of three contact teaching hours per week in the fall/winter session, or the pro-rated equivalent in other sessions. It is also recognized, however, that there are anomalies which deviate from this norm for a variety of reasons which may include but are not limited to: the nature and level of the course and pedagogy involved; the amount of out-of-class preparation time; the size of the class; the number of weeks in the session and/or reasonable faculty unit practices. The parties agree that the identification of a position as an anomaly may justify remunerating that position at a salary higher or lower than specified in Article 10.04.
Course Director means the person appointed by the School to be responsible for the day-
Course Director means the person appointed by the Head of the School to be responsible for the day- to-day management of the course, including anyone to whom such duties have been duly delegated;

Examples of Course Director in a sentence

  • The Registrar automatically changes an I to a failing letter grade (F) after one (1) year, unless a grade change is initiated by the Course Director.

  • However, students must also understand that any paper reviewed by a Course Director may result in an overall grade amendment, and as such, they must accept the fact that any recheck or re-reading may lead to a lowering of the mark, or to a raising of the mark, or no change.

  • SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS (LISTED ALPHABETICALLY BY HONOUR SCHOOL OR SUBJECT) Please note that HONOUR SCHOOLS OR SUBJECTS WHICH HAVE A ‘COURSE DIRECTOR’ ROLE ANDUSE THE ‘PAY MY DEPARTMENT’ OPTION in OxCORT are preceded with an asterisk (*): the email address of the Course Director is given in the case of each of these.

  • You have the opportunity of becoming an elected Course Representative working in a voluntary capacity with students, the Students’ Union, the Course Director and members of the course team and our University.

  • Accident report forms (HS1) are available at reception offices, Security and Student Hubs.Infectious Disease Campus-based students who have been diagnosed with a serious infectious disease such as TB, measles, meningitis or chicken pox should notify their Course Director or Course Administrator as soon as possible giving information regarding which groups of students (and/or colleagues and clients on placements) you have been in contact with and when.

More Definitions of Course Director

Course Director shall be defined as an individual assigned sole or principal responsibility for the design and/or presentation of a course (except where the course is a 1000-level College Course) or an individual assigned these responsibilities in a team-taught course. For the purposes of calculating salary and experience, it is recognized that one course director position normally consists of three contact teaching hours per week in the fall/winter session, or the pro-rated equivalent in other sessions. It is also recognized, however, that there are anomalies which deviate from this norm for a variety
Course Director means Z. Xxxxx Xxxx. The Course Director shall direct the Project Team, as defined below, in conducting the Engineering Design Project.
Course Director means the designated primary instructor of an EMS provider course.¶
Course Director means the member of staff responsible for the delivery of the agreed activity and/or service.
Course Director means the Course Director of the Club appointed under this Constitution.
Course Director means the Director of the St Clare’s course that You are enrolled on. Deposit means a refundable deposit of £500.00 (five hundred pounds) held against non- payment of a legitimate charge (applies only to a Booking Period of more than six weeks).
Course Director means that I was in charge of developing the course, inviting faculty, and running the course on site.