Covered health condition definition

Covered health condition means any disease, illness, injury or condition of health risk covered according to the terms of any health plan.
Covered health condition means any disease, ill-
Covered health condition means any disease, illness, injury or condition of health risk covered according to the terms of any health plan. (Edits are inconsistent. While the term “plan” and “health plan” mean the same thing, it would seem more appropriate to choose one as the dominate term.)

More Definitions of Covered health condition

Covered health condition means any disease,

Related to Covered health condition

  • Serious health condition means an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves:

  • Flood-related erosion means the collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or other body of water as a result of undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels or suddenly caused by an unusually high water level in a natural body of water, accompanied by a severe storm, or by an unanticipated force of nature, such as a flash flood, or by some similarly unusual and unforeseeable event which results in flooding.

  • Emergency medical condition means a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of recent onset and sufficient severity (including severe pain), such that a prudent layperson, who possesses an average knowledge of health and medicine, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical care could result in:

  • Flood-related erosion area management means the operation of an overall program of corrective and preventive measures for reducing flood-related erosion damage, including but not limited to emergency preparedness plans, flood-related erosion control works and floodplain management regulations.

  • Occupational disease means a disease contracted in the course of employment, which by its causes and the characteristics of its manifestation or the condition of the employment results in a hazard which distinguishes the employment in character from employment generally, and the employment creates a risk of contracting the disease in greater degree and in a different manner from the public in general.

  • Emergency Condition means a condition or situation: (1) that in the judgment of the Party making the claim is imminently likely to endanger life or property; or (2) that, in the case of the NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner, is imminently likely (as determined in a non-discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the security of, or damage to the New York State Transmission System or Distribution System, the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Interconnection Facilities or the electric systems of others to which the New York State Transmission System or Distribution System is directly connected; or (3) that, in the case of the Interconnection Customer, is imminently likely (as determined in a non-discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the security of, or damage to, the Small Generating Facility or the Interconnection Customer’s Interconnection Facilities. Under Emergency Conditions, the NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner may immediately suspend interconnection service and temporarily disconnect the Small Generating Facility. The NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner shall notify the Interconnection Customer promptly when it becomes aware of an Emergency Condition that may reasonably be expected to affect the Interconnection Customer’s operation of the Small Generating Facility. The Interconnection Customer shall notify the NYISO and Connecting Transmission Owner promptly when it becomes aware of an Emergency Condition that may reasonably be expected to affect the New York State Transmission System or Distribution System or any Affected Systems. To the extent information is known, the notification shall describe the Emergency Condition, the extent of the damage or deficiency, the expected effect on the operation of each Party’s facilities and operations, its anticipated duration, and the necessary corrective action.