Adult abuse definition
Examples of Adult abuse in a sentence
Adult abuse can happen to anyone, anywhere, and responsibility for dealing with it lies with us all.
The second potential problem is that previously employed ROIs may have impinged upon neighbouring anatomical structures.
Adult abuse that constitutes a felony as prohibited in § 5-28-103.
See Section I.C.19., Child and Adult abuse guidelines.External cause codes for terrorism events take priority over all other external cause codes except child and adult abuse.
Records of an investigation of Vulnerable Adult abuse or of a Court hearing regarding Vulnerable Adult abuse are confidential.
Child / Vulnerable Adult abuse, particularly sexual abuse, can arouse strong emotions in those facing such a situation.
Adult abuse is the willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, or punishment that results in physical pain or injury, including mental injury or anguish.
A Vulnerable Adult, the Vulnerable Adult’s family, and the Vulnerable Adult’s caretaker shall be informed about a Vulnerable Adult abuse investigation upon its commencement.
Additional sections have been added to support Aboriginal Community Health and Human Service Workers, Aboriginal Community Members, VCH Staff, and Community Resource Network (CRN) Members in their work to prevent and respond to situations of Elder and Vulnerable Adult abuse and neglect.
Photographs of a suspected victim of Elder or Dependent Adult abuse may be taken at the direction of a mandated reporter for the sole purposes of assisting the investigating agency and preserving documentation for the justification for reporting the abuse.