An employee who Sample Clauses

An employee who during a period of engagement on shift, works night shift only; or remains on night shift for a longer period than four consecutive weeks; or works on a night shift which does not rotate or alternate with another shift or with day work so as to give them at least one-third of their working time off night shift in each shift cycle, shall, during such engagement period of cycle, be paid 30 per cent more than their ordinary rate for all time worked during ordinary working hours on such night shift.
An employee who. (a) leaves the service of his own accord, or (b) is dismissed for cause and not reinstated in his former seniority standing within two years of date of such dismissal, will if subsequently returned to the service, be required, to again qualify for vacation with pay as provided in Articles 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5.
An employee who is a member of a religious group which by official policy prohibits union membership may apply in writing to the Union, including a suitable affidavit of objection, to have such dues remitted to her/his religious group.
An employee who a) Is not eligible for an Isolation Leave at the time of Christmas Leave, or; b) Is in receipt of Housing Allowance but who is not eligible, at the time of Christmas Leave, to receive the transportation benefits pursuant to the provisions of Article 19.
An employee who. Is a Toxicologist and is classified at MeS3 and above; or After the commencement of this clause, becomes classified or is employed within the MeS classification stream at MeS3 and above, and is not required to perform out of hours work (other than in exceptional or emergency circumstances), is entitled to a grant of recreation leave as applies to Medical Scientists classified MeS2 and, if required to work out of hours in exceptional or emergency circumstances, is entitled to overtime applicable to Medical Scientists classified MeS2.
An employee who has been continuously employed by the City for five (5) years and who has
An employee who. (i) has been trained to render first-aid; and (ii) is the current holder of appropriate first-aid qualifications, such as a certificate from the St Xxxx Ambulance or similar body; and (iii) is required by the Employer to perform first aid duty; shall be paid an allowance as set out in Item 3 of Table 2 – Other Rates and Allowances of Part HMonetary Rates.
An employee who. (a) is a seven day roster Employee (an Employee who over the roster cycle, may be rostered to work shifts on any of the seven days of the week); or (b) works a roster which requires ordinary shifts on public holidays and not less than 272 ordinary hours per year on Sundays, is a shiftworker for the purpose of the NES and entitled annually to an additional week of annual leave in addition to clause 11.2, being a cumulative total of 6 weeks.
An employee who is assigned to a position paying a lower rate of pay shall continue to be paid at his/her rate, unless such reduction takes place under Article 18.
An employee who. (a) is recalled back to a place of work for a specified duty under Article 26 (Call-Back Pay); or (b) is required to return to work while on standby under Article 29 (Xxxxxxx); or (c) is directed to report for work under Article 25.01(4) (Reporting Pay); or (d) works overtime contiguous to his/her regularly scheduled shift, shall have a minimum of an eight (8) hour, uninterrupted, rest period before reporting for any regularly scheduled work day or shift, without loss of regular earnings.