CPP Agreement definition

CPP Agreement means a written agreement between the CPP, Primary Supervising Physician and any Back-Up Supervising Physician by which the Supervising Physician(s) have provided written instructions to the CPP for patient-specific and disease-specific drug therapy, which may include ordering, changing, or substituting therapies or ordering tests.
CPP Agreement means a written agreement between the CPP, Primary Supervising Physician and
CPP Agreement means a written agreement between the CPP, Primary Supervising Physician and any Back-Up Supervising Physician by which the Supervising Physician(s) have provided written

Examples of CPP Agreement in a sentence

  • Except as contemplated by the CPP Agreement, there are no persons with registration or other similar rights to have any equity or debt securities registered for sale under the Registration Statement or included in the offering contemplated by this Agreement, except for such rights as have been duly waived.

  • Except as contemplated by the CPP Agreement, there are no persons with registration or other similar rights to have any equity or debt securities registered for sale under the Registration Statement or included in the offering contemplated by this Underwriting Agreement, except for such rights as have been duly waived.

  • In addition, Adventist shall have the right to offer the opportunity to enter into, and EHC agrees to execute, Subscriber CPP Agreements with additional (beyond 31) Subscribing Organizations (as "not Initial Subscribing Organizations") under the Subscriber CPP Agreement.

  • It has the power to enter into the CPP Agreement and this Deed and comply with its obligations under each of them.

  • Except as set forth on Schedule 3.1(ii) and the CPP Agreement, the Company is not a party to any exclusivity agreement or arrangement, written, oral or otherwise memorialized, and the Company is not in violation of any such exclusivity agreement or arrangement, including the CPP Agreement and those set forth on Schedule 3.1(ii), if any.

  • The Junior Creditor will not exercise any set-off against any Junior Debt except, until the occurrence of a Subordination Event, applications, credits and Authorised PCCW CP Reductions in accordance with sections 3 and 4 of the CPP Agreement.

  • The Junior Creditor may not object to any such matter by reason of any provision of the CPP Agreement.

  • The Junior Creditor will promptly notify the Security Trustee of the occurrence of any event which would result in the Junior Debt becoming immediately due or payable under the CPP Agreement.

  • The Junior Creditor shall not have any remedy against the Debtor or any Senior Creditor by reason of the entry by any of them into any Transaction Document, or any other agreement between any Senior Creditor and the Debtor, or any waiver or consent, or any requirement or condition imposed by or on behalf of any Senior Creditor on the Debtor under any Transaction Document, or such other agreement, which violates the CPP Agreement and results in the Junior Debt becoming immediately due or payable.

  • The Company hereby represents and warrants that the terms and provisions set forth in the CPP Agreement have not and do not violate the terms of any other sales and marketing, exclusivity, or other agreement, written or otherwise, to which the Company has been or is a party, and any such sales and marketing, exclusivity, or other agreement, written or otherwise, have not and do not violate the terms of the CPP Agreement.

More Definitions of CPP Agreement

CPP Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 3.1(ii).

Related to CPP Agreement

  • MCIP Agreement means the Agreement for the Development of a Joint County Industrial and Business Park (2010 Park) dated as of December 1, 2010, as amended, between the County and Xxxxxxxx County, South Carolina, as the same may be further amended or supplemented from time to time, or such other agreement as the County may enter with respect to the Project to offer the benefits of the Special Source Revenue Credits to the Company hereunder.

  • OP Agreement means the agreement of limited partnership of ATA Holdings, as amended and in effect from time to time.

  • Sponsorship Agreement means a document that estab- lishes an advanced licensee as a sponsor for a basic licensee.

  • JV Agreement has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • Lock-Up Agreement means the Lock-Up Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, by and among the Company and the directors, officers and 5% stockholders of the Company, in the form of Exhibit C attached hereto.

  • Formation Agreement has the meaning attributed to it in Recital A;

  • SPS Agreement means the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures which is a part of the WTO Agreement; Subheading means the first six digits in the tariff classification number under the HS; Territory means:

  • MLP Agreement means the First Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of the MLP, as it may be amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time.

  • Partnership Agreement means the Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of the Operating Partnership dated as of , 2011, as the same may be amended, modified or restated from time to time.

  • Membership Agreement means the agreement between the Foundation and each Member regarding each such Member’s rights and obligations as a Member.

  • Initial LLC Agreement has the meaning set forth in the recitals to this Agreement.

  • Partnership Agreements means the partnership agreements together with all agreements, certificates and other documents provided to and approved by Lender and which govern the existence, operation and ownership of the Partnerships.

  • Relationship Agreement means the relationship agreement between certain members of the Brookfield Group, the Partnership, BBP, the Holding Entities and others dated as of the date hereof;

  • Foundation Agreement means the agreement dated the 20th February 1985 made between the Trustee, the Manager, Xxxxxxxx, Genting WA and Tileska providing for the subscription of Units and Options;

  • Dealership Agreement means an oral or written agreement, either express or implied, between a supplier and a dealer which provides that the dealer is granted the right to sell, distribute, or service the supplier’s equipment, regardless of whether the equipment carries a trade name, trademark, service mark, logotype, advertisement, or other commercial symbol, and which provides evidence of a continuing commercial relationship between the supplier and the dealer.

  • Sponsor Letter Agreement has the meaning set forth in the recitals to this Agreement.

  • Sponsor Management Agreement means the Management Agreement between certain of the management companies associated with the Sponsors and the Borrower.

  • LLC Agreement means the Limited Liability Company Agreement of the Company, as amended from time to time pursuant to its terms.

  • Arrangement Agreement has the meaning ascribed thereto in the recitals hereof;

  • Joint Agreement means a type of Fund Use Agreement between the Consortium and the Fund Council that sets forth an umbrella set of terms and conditions that govern principally the submission and approval of CRP proposals and the transfer and use of funds from the CGIAR Fund for implementation of CRPs.

  • Operating Agreement means the agreement, whether or not referred to as an operating agreement and whether oral, in a record, implied, or in any combination thereof, of all the members of a limited liability company, including a sole member, concerning the matters described in section 489.110, subsection 1. The term includes the agreement as amended or restated.

  • TRIPS Agreement means the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights;

  • Company IP Agreements means all licenses, sublicenses, consent to use agreements, settlements, coexistence agreements, covenants not to xxx, permissions and other Contracts (including any right to receive or obligation to pay royalties or any other consideration), whether written or oral, relating to Intellectual Property to which the Company is a party, beneficiary or otherwise bound.

  • Existing LLC Agreement is defined in the recitals to this Agreement.

  • Cooperation Agreement means that certain Mortgage Loan Cooperation Agreement, dated as of the Closing Date, among Borrower, Lender and Sponsor, as the same may from time to time be amended, restated, replaced, supplemented or otherwise modified in accordance herewith.

  • Support Agreement has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.