Cracking definition

Cracking means the process of breaking down larger, heavier and more complex hydrocarbon molecules into simpler and lighter molecules.
Cracking means the process of breaking down larger molecules into smaller molecules, utilizing catalysts and/or elevated temperatures and pressures.
Cracking means a process which breaks large, complex hydrocarbon molecules into smaller, simpler compounds by means of heat (as in the case of a coker) or by means of catalytic hydrogen addition (as in the case of the LC finer);

Examples of Cracking in a sentence

  • Cracking is defined as breaks in the flat coating as opposed to breaks in the film caused by metal forming, which is not warranted hereunder.

  • Cracking and its type, Gasoling from hydrogenation of coal (Bergius process and Fischer tropsch's process) Gaseous Fuel - Coal gas, Oil gas, Water gas, Producer gas, Bio gas, LPG and CNG.

  • Provide paint film that is capable of maintaining the original dimensions and placement during the curing period without:• Chipping;• Spalling; or• Cracking.

  • UNIT-V : FUELSCoal – Proximate and ultimate analysis – Numerical problems based on analysis – Calorific vaule – HCV and LCV – Problems based on calorific values; petroleum – Refining – Cracking – Petrol – Diesel knocking; Gaseous fuels – Natural gas – LPG, CNG – Combustion – Problems on air requirements.Objectives : A board understanding of the more important fuels employed on a large scale is necessary for all engineer to understand energy – related problems and solve them.

  • Provide paint film that is capable of maintaining the original dimensions and placement during the curing period without: Chipping; Spalling; or Cracking.

More Definitions of Cracking

Cracking means the process of breaking down larger, heavier and more complex hydrocarbon molecules into simpler and lighter molecules. “Crude oil distillation ” means the process of distilling vapor from liquid crudes, usually by heating, and condensing the vapor slightly aboveatmospheric pressure turning it back to liquid in order to purify, fractionate or form the desired products.
Cracking means any parting within the tread, sidewall or inner liner of the tyre which may or may not extend to cord material;
Cracking means the process of breaking down larger, heavier and more complex hydrocarbon molecules into simpler and lighter molecules. “Crude oil distillation ” means the process of distilling vapor from liquid crudes, usually by heating, and condensing the vapor slightly above
Cracking means any parting within the tread, sidewall or inner liner of the tyre extending to cord material;
Cracking means the illegal activity of breaking into computer systems through the security or other protection mechanisms that protect it, including firewalls.
Cracking means any parting within the tread, sidewall or innerliner of the tyre extending to cord material;
Cracking of the Genetic Code by means of a rapid series of experiments and logical inferences is arguably the first instance of a “big science” approach in the history of molecular genetics [1]. Theoretical considerations had already indicated that any nucleic acid code words must comprise a minimum of three letters [2]. After demonstration in 1961 that an artificial poly-­‐U RNA template directs incorporation of the amino acid proline into a polypeptide, and thus that UUU was the “code” for PRO, Marshall Nirenberg’s lab had by 1963 deduced an incomplete “dictionary” of 50 three-­‐letter “code words” [3], and a substantially complete Genetic Code table by 1965 [4] (Fig. 1). The iconic 4x4x4 table is now a standard feature of biology textbooks, and has been incorporated as a fundamental feature of bioinformatic computational schemes.