Examples of Creating a Project in a sentence
Creating a Project Beacon Administrator AccountStaff register for administrator accounts by completing an online Account Registration Form.
Creating a Project Your club’s global grant project must have a minimum budget of $35,000 (see budget description below), be sustainable into future years, and you must partner with an international club or international district.
Write a report n/a Assignment 1 Creating a Project and Importing a File The first step is to create a project.
Creating a Project ManuallyOpenL does not oblige a user to use predefined ways of project creation and enables using the user’s own project structure.
Such determinations do not require the approval of the college or university promotion and tenure committees.
Step 1 Create a ring network using either the procedures in 2.1 Creating a Project, page 2-1or by manually placing sites into a ring configuration.Step 2 In the Native Net# tab, click the Create new P-Ring demand icon in the toolbar.
In this section, we will address two critical steps for getting started - Researching the Behaviors that afford opportunity, and Creating a Project Plan for management approval.
Creating a Project Progress Report Only the LP can create, modify and submit Project Progress Reports.
PROJECT OVERVIEW _ Creating a Project OverviewBecause a solicitation for the pre-qualification of contractors is directly linked to a specific project coming up for bid, a project overview will generally be included in the pre-qualification packet each time a new RFPQ is announced.
Creating a Project SetupTo create a project setup, display the appropriate Active contract on the Contract Summary screen.