CREST Depository definition

CREST Depository means CREST Depository Limited or any successor thereto.
CREST Depository means CREST Depository Limited.
CREST Depository means CREST Depository Limited or any successor thereto. "CREST Requirements" has the meaning given to such term in Condition 2.4(i) (Transfer of CREST Securities).

Examples of CREST Depository in a sentence

  • Subject to these terms and conditions, we will treat you as though you hold the CDIs in your own name so, subject to the Nominee receiving notification of benefits from CREST Depository Limited, you will receive benefitsThese terms and conditions were issued by Computershare Investor Services PLC.

  • Your details will only be disclosed in accordance with the Principles set out in the Data Protection Act 1998: • to any person if that person has legal or regulatory powers over us or the Nominee; • to the Company (or any other person carrying out functions in relation to the Service, including CRESTCo Limited and CREST Depository Limited) in order to facilitate the provision of the Service; and • to any person carrying out functions in relation to acting as the registrar of the Company.

  • As legal owner of the CDIs, the Nominee will be bound by the provisions of the deed poll executed by CREST Depository Limited governing the CDIs or any other document which governs the terms on which the CDIs are issued (together the " Deed Poll").

  • This link operates via the services of BNP Paribas Securities Services, which is a participant in Euroclear France.Under the CREST International Settlement Links Service, CREST Depository Limited, a subsidiary of CRESTCo, issues dematerialised depository interests representing entitlements to non-UK securities, such as the new GET SA Ordinary Shares and Warrants, known as “CREST Depository Interests” or “CDIs”.

  • CREST Depository Limited will then issue CDIs (representing new GET SA Ordinary Shares and / or Warrants) in CREST to Computershare Investor Services PLC (as Receiving Agent), who will thereupon distribute the CDIs to or for the benefit of former Unitholders.

  • On settlement, the Essa Transfer Agent will cause the credit of the New Essa Shares through DTC to the securities deposit account of CREST International Nominees Limited, as nominee for CREST Depository Limited in DTC.

  • Holders of IAG CDIs held in CREST, whilst Euroclear continues to provide such service, will be able, if they so wish, to have amounts in respect of dividends paid on IAG Shares in Euro by IAG converted into, and paid to them in, Sterling, or any other CREST currency, if desired (without foreign exchange commission) by CREST Depository.

  • CREST Depository Limited will then issue Verizon CDIs through CREST to the Registrar for delivery, in the case of Uncertificated Shareholders, to the securities deposit account in CREST in which each such Uncertificated Shareholder holds its Ordinary Shares or, in the case of Certificated Shareholders, to the Verizon CSN, in its capacity as nominee for those Certificated Shareholders (as described below).

  • CREST Depository Limited will hold those New KW Shares on trust (as bare trustee under English law) for the holders of Scheme Shares in uncertificated form to whom it will issue KW CDIs through CREST.

  • The registered holder of such shares will be Euroclear International Nominees Limited, who will hold them on trust for CREST Depository Limited which will issue the Verizon CDIs. However, ownership of Verizon CDIs will represent each Vodafone Shareholder’s entitlement to such New Verizon Shares.

More Definitions of CREST Depository

CREST Depository means CREST Depository Limited, a company incorporated in
CREST Depository means CREST Depository Limited, a subsidiary of EUI (or any successor or assignee of it in such capacity from time to time);

Related to CREST Depository

  • Depository The Depository Trust Company, or any successor Depository hereafter named. The nominee of the initial Depository for purposes of registering those Certificates that are to be Book-Entry Certificates is Cede & Co. The Depository shall at all times be a "clearing corporation" as defined in Section 8-102(a)(5) of the Uniform Commercial Code of the State of New York and a "clearing agency" registered pursuant to the provisions of Section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

  • Foreign Depository means (a) Euroclear, (b) Clearstream Banking, societe anonyme, (c) each Eligible Securities Depository as defined in Rule 17f-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, identified to the Fund from time to time, and (d) the respective successors and nominees of the foregoing.

  • ADS Depositary means the person then acting as depositary under the Deposit Agreement. The ADS Depositary as of the Issue Date is The Bank of New York Mellon.

  • Common Depository has the meaning specified in Section 304(b).

  • central securities depository or ‘CSD’ means a central securities depository as defined in point (1) of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014.

  • DTC Custodian means the custodian of the DTC Notes on behalf of DTC, which initially shall be the Global Agent.

  • Depository Agent is defined in Section 2.6(a) of the Agreement.

  • Securities Depository means The Depository Trust Company and any other clearing agency registered with the SEC under Section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “1934 Act”), which acts as a system for the central handling of Securities where all Securities of any particular class or series of an issuer deposited within the system are treated as fungible and may be transferred or pledged by bookkeeping entry without physical delivery of the Securities.

  • Depository Bank means the Institution that issues a specific Depositary Receipt on behalf of the underlying company. The Depository Bank maintains a holding of Stock in the Underlying on which it is able to issue Depositary Receipts;

  • Clearing Agent means Clearstream Banking AG, Euroclear Bank S.A., and Clearstream Banking S.A. and such further or alternative clearing agent(s) or clearance system(s) as may be approved by the Issuer from time to time and notified to the Holders in accordance with General Condition 4 (each a “Clearing Agent” and together the “Clearing Agents”);

  • Note Depository Agreement means the agreement, dated as of the Closing Date, between the Issuer and DTC, as the initial Clearing Agency relating to the Notes, as the same may be amended or supplemented from time to time.

  • Depositary means, with respect to the Notes issuable or issued in whole or in part in global form, the Person specified in Section 2.03 hereof as the Depositary with respect to the Notes, and any and all successors thereto appointed as depositary hereunder and having become such pursuant to the applicable provision of this Indenture.

  • Depository Institution Any depository institution or trust company, including the Trustee, that (a) is incorporated under the laws of the United States of America or any State thereof, (b) is subject to supervision and examination by federal or state banking authorities and (c) has outstanding unsecured commercial paper or other short-term unsecured debt obligations that are rated P-1 by Moody's, F1+ by Fitch and A-1 by Standard & Poor's.

  • Common Depositary has the meaning specified in Section 304.

  • Clearing Corporation Security means securities which are in the custody of or maintained on the books of a Clearing Corporation or a nominee subject to the control of a Clearing Corporation and, if they are Certificated Securities in registered form, properly endorsed to or registered in the name of the Clearing Corporation or such nominee.