Current model means a model listed in the wholesaler's, manufacturer's, or distributor's current sales manual or any supplements.
Current model means a model listed in the current sales manual of the manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor or any supplements to the current sales manual;
Current model means a model listed in the current sales
Examples of Current model in a sentence
Current model estimates are that the States’ Bay water quality standards can be met at basin-wide loading levels of 200 million pounds of nitrogen per year and 15 million pounds of phosphorus per year.
Current model under standard production at the time the order is written.
Current model systems for short-term predictions have coarser resolutions, and only a few can resolve some important characteristics such as sea ice leads, ridges, and fast ice.
Current model under standard production at the time the order is placed.
Current model validation practices vary among CCPs. Some CCPs conduct annual validations, while other conduct them on an ad hoc basis.
More Definitions of Current model
Current model means a model listed in the wholesaler's, manufacturer's, or distributor's sales manual or any supplements to the manuals.
Current model means a model listed in the wholesaler’s, manufacturer’s or distributor’s current sales manual or any supplements thereto;
Current model means a model listed in the wholesaler’s, manufacturer’s, or distributor’s sales manual or any supplements to the manuals.
Current model means a model listed in the supplier’s current sales manual or any supplements to the manual.
Current model means a model listed in the wholesaler's,
Current model means a model listed in the wholesaler's, manufacturer's, or distributor's current
Current model means a model listed in the [wholesaler’s, manufacturer’s or distributor’s] supplier’s current sales manual or any supplements to the manual.