Examples of Original Project Cost in a sentence
However for further additional capitalization over Original Project Cost by OHPC, the equity base of 30% has been considered as per the provision in clause No. 16 of OERC (Terms and conditions for determination of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2020.
Any decapitalization made in UIHEP is deducted from the Original Approved Cost and Equity is calculated @25% on balance Original Project Cost after deduction of decapitalization.
Table 4.1: Original Project Cost Components and the Revised Cost Components in UA million Note: All contracts in the original project are signed and implementation progressed between 38 % and 60% as of 31st January 2017Table 4.2: Original Projects Costs by Category of Expenditure and the Revised Costs in UA Note: supply of MV & LV comprised both the material supplied from part of uncommitted project resources and that supplied with the additional loan of UA 2.22million.
Project cost as originally planned and subsequent revised estimates and the years of pricereference Original Project Cost:- Rs. 484.047 Lacs9Forest land requirements Status of approval for diversion of forestland for non-forestry use We already got approval from Forest Department regarding diversion of 21.29 Ha Forest land from Government if Uttarakhand.
However, for further additional capitalization over Original Project Cost by OHPC, the equity base of 30% has been considered as per the provision in clause No. 16 of OERC (Terms and conditions for determination of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2020.