Model definition
Examples of Model in a sentence
Any other brand may be used with prior written approval of the Principal Agent NOTE: Tenderers are advised to study the Model Preambles for Trades 2008 published by the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES View site Before submitting his tender the tenderer shall visit the site and satisfy himself as to the nature and extent of the work to be done and the value of the materials salvageable from the alterations.
If Customer uses or accesses an Airia-authored or fine-tuned Model, then Customer additionally agrees to comply with the Airia Model Terms (currently found here), as may be amended by Airia from time to time.
The Federal Highway Noise Prediction Model will be used to provide Community Noise Equivalent Levels (CNEL) contours for surrounding streets.
Any other brand may be used with prior written approval of the Principal Agent NOTE: Tenderers are advised to study the Model Preambles for Trades 2008 published by the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Proprietary items Where applicable the manufacturers' names or product catalogue titles are given in sub-headings preceding the items Prices are to be based on the specific products/articles specified.
Tenderers are advised to study the Model Preambles for Trades 2008 published by the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES Cost of tests The costs of making, storing and testing of concrete test cubes as required under clause 7 "Tests" of SABS 1200 G shall include the cost of providing cube moulds necessary for the purpose, for testing costs and for submitting reports on the tests to the architect.