Examples of Currently attending in a sentence
Less than $20,000 $20,000 to 30,000 $30,001 to $40,000 $40,001 to $50,000 $50,001 to $70,000 $70,001 to $90,000 $90,001 to $110,000 More than $110,000 Select all that apply: Master's Doctorate Other Currently attending a graduate program Completed graduate program courses without earning a degree Earned graduate degree (if multiple degrees, check all that apply) Enter graduate program you are currently attending.
Currently attending students are welcome to join us at the upcoming graduation.
Currently attending students includes students currently attending District schools as a resident or other means.
Currently attending students are welcome to join us at the upcoming graduation.Student AppreciationBonnie Joseph Academy of Cosmetology and Barbering holds an annual student appreciation for currently attending students.
Currently attending student who do not enroll for the new school year during the current student enrollment period are not guaranteed a space.● Students applying for admission to St. James the Greater Catholic School who are transferring from another archdiocesan Catholic school must have no financial obligations at the previous school.
Currently attending or acceptance into an approved and accredited nursing program.
Y N Credits earned: Course of Study: Currently attending GED: Vocational School: College: Name and Location of School: Certificate or Degree Program: Estimated completion date: Other Educational Information: Personal Information Checklist: (circle your answer Y for yes, N for no) 1.
Currently attending CWMS students must be in good standing (e.g. not currently serving suspension or expulsion at the time of the school sponsored dance AND must not have been disciplined at any other school sponsored CWMS dance during the current calendar school year).
The role of the clinic sister was to identify potential participants from the registers who met the inclusion criteria and to provide their telephone details to the researcher to contact them for interviews.The selection of the sample of teenage participants was guided by the following inclusion criteria: o Currently attending Opkoms clinic for antenatal or postnatal careo Aged between 13-19 yearso Residents of Heidedal location (to understand the specific context).
Table 35: Application process by age Applied to more than one university Q3 Total universities applied to Q3A Currently attending first choice Q5 Overall 70% 3.6 universities 78% Age 18 years or younger 73% 3.7 universities 76% 19 years of age 70% 3.4 universities 79% 20 years of age 58% 2.8 universities 81% 21 years or older 36% 3.0 universities 86% Note: Bolded percentages indicate a statistically significant difference between groups.