Examples of CWD suspect in a sentence
CWD positive herds, or individual CWD suspect animals or exposed ani- mals removed by APHIS from a herd for testing, will be appraised by an APHIS official appraiser and a State official appraiser jointly, or, if APHIS and State authorities agree, by either a State official appraiser or an APHIS of- ficial appraiser alone.
The Administrator is authorized to pay for the purchase and destruction of CWD positive animals, CWD exposed animals, and CWD suspect animals.
CWD suspect and exposed animals must be identified and remain on the premises where they are found until they have met the provisions for release of quarantine established in this chapter, are destroyed and disposed of as directed by the Administrator, or are moved at the Administrator’s direction on a restricted movement permit.
If the Administrator grants an appeal of the status of a CWD-positive animal, the animal shall be redesignated as CWD- suspect pending further investigation to establish the final status of the ani- mal and its herd.
If the Administrator grants an appeal of the status of a CWD-positive animal, the animal shall be redesignated as CWD- suspect pending further investigation 9 CFR Ch. I (1–1–21 Edition)to establish the final status of the ani- mal and its herd.
The provisions of this subsection take effect immediately upon the notification of a CWD "suspect" test result, and continue in effect until the department expressly authorizes the resumption of per- mitted activities at that facility.
If herds are found to have CWD-positive, CWD-exposed, or CWD- suspect animals, the herd will be designated as such and the herd will be promptly quarantined until it has been determined if the herd contains or has contained a CWD-positive animal.
Has placed all known CWD- positive, CWD-exposed, and CWD- suspect animals and herds under movement restrictions, with movement of animals from them only for destruction or under permit.
If a herd is designated a CWD- suspect herd, a trace back herd, or a trace forward herd, it will immediately be placed in Suspended status pending an epidemiologic investigation by APHIS or a State animal health agency.
CWD suspect and exposed animals shall be identified and remain on the premises where they are found until they have met the provisions for release of quarantine established in this chapter, are destroyed and disposed of as directed by the Administrator, or are moved at the Administrator’s direction on a restricted movement permit.