Examples of Czech Insolvency Act in a sentence
Each Covered Bond will bear the designation "hypoteční zástavní list" to be recognised as a mortgage covered bond under the Czech Bonds Act, CNB Measure and the Czech Insolvency Act.
Therefore, already valid laws, in particular the Czech Insolvency Act, must be adjusted accordingly as well.
Mindful of this logic, the Czech Insolvency Act provides that in insolvency proceedings, the decision- making powers of the general meeting are suspended during reorganization proceedings (S.
Czech Insolvency Act means Czech Act No. 182/2006 Coll., on Insolvency and Method of its Resolution (Insolvency Act), as amended from time to time and any references in these Conditions to any relevant provisions of the Czech Insolvency Act include references to any applicable provisions of law amending or replacing such provisions from time to time.
Each Covered Bond will bear the designation "hypoteční zástavní list" to be recognised as a mortgage covered bond under the Czech Bonds Act, the CNB Decree and the Czech Insolvency Act.
In such case, the Notes constitute direct, unconditional, unsecured and subordinated obligations of the Issuer and they constitute and shall be satisfied as relevant subordinated capital instruments or obligations of the Issuer pursuant to Section 374c of the Czech Insolvency Act.
The CNB may only take such steps or actions or impose measures for so long as the Issuer holds its banking licence (i.e., before its banking licence has been revoked by the CNB) and until insolvency proceedings under the Czech Insolvency Act have been commenced against the Issuer.
Also, Section 375 of the Czech Insolvency Act and other relevant provisions of the Czech Insolvency Act will apply to the Covered Bonds and the Cover Pool in the case of insolvency proceedings against the Issuer.
Hence we expect that the damages compensation claim against UNIPETROL RPA, s.r.o. will be rejected by the relevant court.On the basis of provisions of the Czech Insolvency Act, the proceedings has been suspended due to I.P.-95 s.r.o. becoming insolvent and the insolvency trustee failing to give consent for the proceedings to continue.
An important task for the new Czech Insolvency Act is to strengthen the position of creditors who properly meet their obligations towards other parties and who simultaneously get into trouble due to the secondary insolvency (Štípek, 2013).Payment behavior of companies is not only an important indicator of the financial situation but it also reflects business practices in each sector.