CZK definition
Examples of CZK in a sentence
If you want to make a wider use of the plumber’s service exceeding the connection of the sink, you will be charged CZK 450 per hour (every started hour of work is billed).
Unless the Management Company decides otherwise, the initial issue price of these units amounts to AUD 100, BRL 400, CAD 100, CHF 100, CZK 2,000, DKK 700, EUR 100,GBP 100, HKD 1,000, JPY 10,000, NOK 900, PLN 500,RMB 1,000, RUB 3,500, SEK 700, SGD 100, USD 100,NZD 100 or ZAR 1,000.
Unless the Management Company decides otherwise, the initial issue price of these units amounts to AUD 100, BRL 400, CAD 100, CHF 100, CZK 2,000, DKK 700, EUR 100, GBP 100,HKD 1,000, JPY 10,000, NOK 900, PLN 500, RMB 1,000,RUB 3,500, SEK 700, SGD 100, USD 100, NZD 100 orZAR 1,000.
Subscribed capital: HUF 28,000,000,000 Name of distributor: Patria Finance, a.s. Subscribed capital: CZK 150.000.000 Name of distributor: Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.
If necessary, it is possible to order, before the assembly deadline, the services of an electrician at a price of CZK 450 per hour (every started hour of work is billed), which is to be paid in cash at the cash desk of the Trade Fair Administration.