PLN means Polish zloty, the lawful currency of Poland;
PLN means the Polish Zloty, the lawful currency for the time being of Poland.
PLN means provisionally licensed nutritionist.
Examples of PLN in a sentence
Minority interests decreased from PLN 17,386 thousand in the prior year to PLN 10,197 thousand.
Packet reordering may arise when a routing (re-)configuration takes place and a flow is moved from a high latency path to a low latency path.
The amount of investments in associates decreased by PLN 37,553 thousand as compared with the balance as at 31 December 2008 to PLN 172 thousand.
The balance of trade and other receivables decreased by 53.3%, i.e. by PLN 33,484 thousand, compared with 2008.
The increase in property, plant and equipment of PLN 64,588 thousand in the audited year was mainly due to increased expenditure on the development of restaurants.
More Definitions of PLN
PLN means Zloty, the official currency in Poland.
PLN means the legal currency of Poland;
PLN means the lawful currency from time to time of the Republic of Poland;
PLN means Polish zloty, the currency of Poland;
PLN means the lawful currency of the Republic of Poland.
PLN means PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, the Borrower’s state-owned electricity company.
PLN means a vessel’s port number as defined in regulation 31 of the Merchant Shipping (Registration of Ships) Regulations 19934;