PAGA definition
Examples of PAGA in a sentence
The Administrator will send checks for Individual PAGA Payments to all Aggrieved Employees including Non-Participating Class Members who qualify as Aggrieved Employees (including those for whom Class Notice was returned undelivered).
The Administrator may send Participating Class Members a single check combining the Individual Class Payment and the Individual PAGA Payment.
Aggrieved Employees assume full responsibility and liability for any taxes owed on their Individual PAGA Payment.
Disbursement of the Class Counsel Fees Payment, the Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and the Class Representative Service Payment shall not precede disbursement of Individual Class Payments and Individual PAGA Payments.
Not later than 16 court days before the calendared Final Approval Hearing, Plaintiffs will file in Court, a motion for final approval of the Settlement that includes a request for approval of the PAGA settlement under Labor Code section 2699, subdivision (l), a Proposed Final Approval Order and a proposed Judgment (collectively “Motion for Final Approval”).