Examples of JPY in a sentence
JPY Accumulation Shares and JPY Distributing Shares are denominated in Japanese Yen.
Charges and fees shall be rounded off to the nearest whole HUF, or if determined in EUR, USD, CHF, JPY or GBP to the nearest two decimal points, according to the general rules of rounding off.
Shareholders will be exposed to rises or falls in the value of JPY against EUR.
Unless the Management Company decides otherwise, the initial issue price of these units amounts to AUD 100, BRL 400, CAD 100, CHF 100, CZK 2,000, DKK 700, EUR 100,GBP 100, HKD 1,000, JPY 10,000, NOK 900, PLN 500,RMB 1,000, RUB 3,500, SEK 700, SGD 100, USD 100,NZD 100 or ZAR 1,000.
For example, if the relevant Portfolio or benchmark is invested 50% in securities denominated in the Base Currency of the sub-fund (e.g. EUR) and 50% in securities denominated in JPY, then the Investment Manager will seek to provide the currency exposure associated with the JPY denominated securities.