Examples of Daily average temperature in a sentence
Daily average temperature ranges from 25 degrees Celsius (°C) in the period from January to March, to 28 °C between June and October.
Daily average temperature and mortality among the elderly: a meta-analysis and systematic review of epidemiological evidence.
Daily average temperature defined as the simple average of daily minimum and maximum temperature.
Daily average temperature is defined as the flow weighted average temperature (FWAT) and shall be computed and recorded on a daily basis.
Daily average temperature (°C) and cumulated daily pre- cipitation (mm) during autumn (October–December, con- sidering the current year for each wild boar home range size).
Daily average temperature is calculated as the average of the daily lowest and highest temperatures.
Daily average temperature was calculated as the mean of daily minimum and maximum temperatures and the ensemble mean was used to represent future climate.
Daily average temperature decreased 24ºC on 25 February which is the coldest day of measuring period for ambient temperature.
Eight hundred separate images (or lines) of data were collected over the travel distance of the camera slider (which moves in the y direction) resulting in a hyperspectral ‘cube’ of data with the following dimensions: 640 pixels width × 800 pixels height × 274 spectral bands.In Experiment 1 (the infected tuber experiment), each plant was imaged a total of five times at 31, 35, 38, 48 and 52 days after planting.
Cooler35Temperature (oC)30252015100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Days Figure 4: Daily average temperature variation.