Examples of Daily Interest in a sentence
The amount of interest to be paid on the Notes for each Interest Period will be calculated by adding the Daily Interest Amounts for each day in the Interest Period.
The amount of interest to be paid on the Securities for each Interest Period will be calculated by adding the Daily Interest Amounts for each day in the Interest Period.
This results in daily compounding of interest charges.• At the end of each billing period, we add together each Credit Plan’s Daily Interest Charge and make other adjustments, which gives us the total interest charge.• Your Statement will show a Balance Subject to Interest Rate, which is the sum of the Daily Balances for each day in the billing period divided by the total number of days.Rates• To calculate a variable rate, for each billing period, we use an Index.
Daily Interest Rates and Annual Percentage Rates may be found on the Rates and Fees Table.
This gives us the "Daily Interest Charge" for the day, which we add to the day’s Partial Daily Balance.• We’ve now determined the "Daily Balance," which will be the beginning balance for the following day.